A pure stream http push technology for your Nginx setup. Comet made easy and really scalable.
- 2
Packaging requests (Alpine, Debian, etc.)
#313 opened by TuzelKO - 3
- 3
Balance all subscribers between CPU cores
#311 opened by yaroslav-phokus - 15
Trash queue is not cleared
#281 opened by heldner - 2
Not receiving any streams on a subscribed socket
#291 opened by blazczak - 6
Module is not compiling with nginx 1.24 (probably since 1.23.0 via changed internal API)
#307 opened by sharewax - 2
Unload event is deprecated
#309 opened by d-javu - 3
compile failed on windows
#308 opened by wangdbang - 1
Compilation fails for NGINX 1.24.0
#306 opened by dvershinin - 2
Compilation fails on Mac OS/Clang 14.X.X
#304 opened by dobrite - 2
Compilation issues with nginx 1.24
#305 opened by sergey-dryabzhinsky - 1
- 3
(Question) Detect websocket close event
#300 opened by futuarmo - 11
Significant delays of first backtrack message delivering after the channel is open
#297 opened by kostjerry - 1
- 2
can we get a new release for m1 apple silicon fix?
#296 opened by kpmueller - 29
Apple Silicon "ngz_slab_alloc() failed: no memory"
#293 opened by TheBerg - 0
- 1
channels-stats reports published_messages and stored_messages for other instances
#292 opened by blazczak - 5
push stream long poling cross doamn connection
#279 opened by pokal4u - 5
#289 opened by snezhkoigor - 8
Publish from other nginx modules
#283 opened by RekGRpth - 8
send channels events to internal locations
#282 opened by RekGRpth - 2
nginx master process is hangs - sigsuspend
#264 opened by kerncore - 2
Can you do a rpm, deb based package?
#275 opened by GlebKazantsev - 5
Sockets suddenly stop recieving new messages (howewer it cloud works in another tab at the same time)
#262 opened by chekalsky - 2
GZIP settings for websockets
#273 opened by Ninj0r - 3
Push-stream replication
#256 opened by M1ha-Shvn - 2
memory leak and dead lock
#278 opened by beginning1126 - 3
- 1
Android Client
#287 opened by subhanshuja - 4
- 3
#286 opened by snezhkoigor - 1
npm/yarn package
#266 opened by mpasternak - 1
domain registration expired
#274 opened by aaronpk - 1
- 1
nginx events method poll to epoll?
#271 opened by lixuande - 7
build as runtime loadable module
#269 opened by andrisi - 1
How to retrieve push-stream-status
#277 opened by M1ha-Shvn - 2
channel stats as a channel?
#276 opened by andrisi - 3
- 5
Long poll messages lost
#268 opened by M1ha-Shvn - 4
- 7
- 1
- 9
Segfault error
#263 opened by materkov - 1
The problem of push_stream_channels_statistics
#259 opened by kavin027 - 1
- 6
Events channel, tag field
#260 opened by materkov - 21
support for nginx server configuration ??
#257 opened by ashwintastic