
Simple tool for syncing Git repository with K8s ConfigMap or Secret

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

git2kube - From Git to Kubernetes

Test Go Report Card GitHub release License: MIT

Tool for syncing git with Kubernetes.


  • Synchronisation of Git repository with Kubernetes ConfigMap/Secret
    • One shot or periodic
    • Configurable healthcheck
    • Configurable labels and annotations
  • Configurable include/exclude rules for filtering files that should be synchronised
  • Ability to synchronise git into target folder using symlinks (suitable for sidecar deployments)
  • SSH key and Basic auth


Check out example folder that should get you started.

Docker repository

The tool is released as docker image as well, check the repository.


  • docs - Generated documentation for the tool
  • example - Kubernetes deployment examples

How to develop

  • Tests are started by go test -v ./...
  • Or if you dont want to setup your local go env just use the provided Dockerfile