Phact is a simple event propagation usage with Phalcon Framework. With Phact you can create a set of nodes, write some events and execute them with some order.
use Phact\Manager;
use Phact\NodeInterface;
use Phalcon\Events\Event;
use Phalcon\Events\Manager as EventsManager;
class A implements NodeInterface
public function onExecute(Event $event, NodeInterface $node)
if ($node instanceof self) { // or $event->getData() == 'A'
echo "A!";
class B implements NodeInterface
public function onBeforeExecute(Event $event, NodeInterface $node)
if ($node instanceof A) { // or $event->getData() == 'A'
echo "B before A! ";
$manager = (new Manager())
->setEventsManager(new EventsManager())
->add('A', new A())
->add('B', new B());
$manager->execute('A'); // outputs "B before A! A!"
You can install Phact
inside your project with Composer.
"require": {
"wandersonwhcr/phact": "1.*"
You can implement three methods using NodeInterface
use Phact\NodeInterface;
use Phalcon\Events\Event;
class Node implements NodeInterface
public function onBeforeExecute(Event $event, NodeInterface $node)
public function onExecute(Event $event, NodeInterface $node)
public function onAfterExecute(Event $event, NodeInterface $node)
With these events, you can order your node executions and create awesome events propagation like installers or database structure changes.