
warriorjs通关之路 warriorjs: https://warrior.js.org/

Primary LanguageJavaScript

caterpillar - beginner - level 9

Time to hone your skills and apply all of the abilities that you've learned.

TIP: Watch your back.

Floor Map

║>Ca  @ S wC║

> = stairs
C = Captive (1 HP)
a = Archer (7 HP)
@ = caterpillar (20 HP)
S = Thick Sludge (24 HP)
w = Wizard (3 HP)


Actions (only one per turn)

  • warrior.walk(): Move one space in the given direction (forward by default).
  • warrior.attack(): Attack a unit in the given direction (forward by default) dealing 5 HP of damage.
  • warrior.rest(): Gain 10% of max health back, but do nothing more.
  • warrior.rescue(): Release a unit from his chains in the given direction (forward by default).
  • warrior.pivot(): Rotate in the given direction (backward by default).
  • warrior.shoot(): Shoot your bow & arrow in the given direction (forward by default) dealing 3 HP of damage to the first unit in a range of 3 spaces.


  • warrior.think(): Think about your options before choosing an action (console.log replacement).
  • warrior.feel(): Return the adjacent space in the given direction (forward by default).
  • warrior.health(): Return an integer representing your health.
  • warrior.look(): Returns an array of up to 3 spaces in the given direction (forward by default).

Next Steps

When you're done editing Player.js, run the warriorjs command again.