
Docker images for Void Linux


Void Linux Docker Images

This repo contains the dockerfiles needed to build void-linux docker images. There are 5 images provided:

  • full: Large image based on the base-minimal package and does not contain a noextract configuration. If you want something that is as close to a full void VM as possible, this is the image you want to start with. These images average 242MB

  • thin: This image contains far fewer packages and uses a noextract file to prevent certain directories from being added to the image. These images average 40MB.

  • thin-bb: This image is the same as the thin image above, but uses busybox instead of GNU coreutils. Note that this is not a well tested configuration with Void, but if you want minimalism without breaking xbps-pkgdb, busybox is a good way to get it given that these images average 34.4MB.

  • mini: The mini image is the same as the thin image in terms of configuration, but all binaries and libraries a stripped. This brings the image size down to an average of 20MB, but the tradeoff is that xbps-pkdb will complain that the files no longer match their checksums.

  • mini-bb: Same as thin-bb but stripped. Average size is 15MB.

Each image can also be built using the musl C library by passing an appropriate XBPS_ARCH value during the build. For comparison, here is the size of all images built for both architectures on x86_64.

REPOSITORY                            TAG                                                    SIZE
ghcr.io/void-linux/void-linux         20210220rc01-full-x86_64-musl                          92.78MB
ghcr.io/void-linux/void-linux         20210220rc01-full-x86_64                               152.6MB
ghcr.io/void-linux/void-linux         20210220rc01-mini-bb-x86_64                            14.48MB
ghcr.io/void-linux/void-linux         20210220rc01-mini-x86_64                               20.84MB
ghcr.io/void-linux/void-linux         20210220rc01-mini-bb-x86_64-musl                       8.624MB
ghcr.io/void-linux/void-linux         20210220rc01-thin-bb-x86_64                            34.38MB
ghcr.io/void-linux/void-linux         20210220rc01-thin-bb-x86_64-musl                       12.17MB
ghcr.io/void-linux/void-linux         20210220rc01-thin-x86_64-musl                          19.1MB
ghcr.io/void-linux/void-linux         20210220rc01-mini-x86_64-musl                          15.55MB
ghcr.io/void-linux/void-linux         20210220rc01-thin-x86_64                               40.74MB