
Genome Analyst with Rust and Redis

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


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gars - Genome Analyst with Rust and rediS


Current release: 0.3.1

cargo install --path . --force --offline

# test
cargo test -- --test-threads=1

# gars-stat
cargo install --force --offline --path . --features stat

# build under WSL 2
export CARGO_TARGET_DIR=/tmp
cargo build


gars help

Genome Analyst with Rust and rediS

Usage: gars [COMMAND]

  env      Create a .env file
  status   Test Redis config and connection
  gen      Generate the database from (gzipped) fasta files
  locate   Locate the given ranges to the corresponding ctgs
  range    Add range files for counting
  clear    Clear some parts from Redis
  feature  Add genomic features from a range file
  fsw      Sliding windows around features
  anno     Annotate anything that contains a ctg_id and a range
  sliding  Sliding windows along a chromosome
  peak     Add peaks of GC-waves
  tsv      Export Redis hashes to a tsv file
  help     Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

gars-stat --help

gars-stat 0.3.1
wang-q <wang-q@outlook.com>
Build-in stats for gars

    gars-stat [OPTIONS] <infile> <query>

    <infile>    Sets the input file to use
    <query>     Query name [default: ctg]

    -h, --help                 Print help information
    -o, --outfile <outfile>    Output filename. [stdout] for screen [default: stdout]
    -V, --version              Print version information


Genomic features and sliding windows

# start redis-server

# start with dump file
# redis-server --appendonly no --dir ~/Scripts/rust/gars/tests/S288c/

# create gars.env
gars env

# check DB
gars status test

# drop DB
gars status drop

# generate DB
gars gen tests/S288c/genome.fa.gz --piece 100000

gars tsv -s 'ctg:*' > tests/S288c/ctg.tsv
gars tsv -s 'ctg:*' --range > tests/S288c/ctg.range.tsv

gars-stat tests/S288c/ctg.tsv ctg

# annotate
gars anno tests/S288c/intergenic.json tests/S288c/ctg.range.tsv -H

# locate an range
gars locate "I(+):1000-1100"

# add features
gars feature tests/S288c/spo11_hot.rg

# sliding windows around ranges
gars fsw

# add ranges
gars range tests/S288c/spo11_hot.rg tests/S288c/spo11_hot.rg

# clear
gars clear range

# dump DB to redis-server start dir as dump.rdb
gars status dump


# start redis-server
redis-server &

# gars
gars env

gars status drop

gars gen tests/S288c/genome.fa.gz --piece 500000

# GC-content of 100 bp sliding window in steps of 1 bp
gars sliding \
    --ctg 'ctg:I:*' \
    --size 100 --step 1 \
    --lag 1000 \
    --threshold 3.0 \
    --influence 1.0 \
    -o tests/S288c/I.gc.tsv

# count of peaks
tsv-summarize tests/S288c/I.gc.tsv \
    -H --group-by signal --count
#signal  count
#0       227242
#-1      2124
#1       753

# merge adjacent windows
tsv-filter tests/S288c/I.gc.tsv -H --ne signal:0 |
    cut -f 1 |
    rgr merge -c 0.8 stdin -o tests/S288c/I.replace.tsv

tsv-filter tests/S288c/I.gc.tsv -H --ne signal:0 |
    rgr replace stdin tests/S288c/I.replace.tsv |
    tsv-uniq -H -f 1 \
    > tests/S288c/I.peaks.tsv

# count of real peaks
tsv-summarize tests/S288c/I.peaks.tsv \
    -H --group-by signal --count
#signal  count
#-1      94
#1       61

gars peak tests/S288c/I.peaks.tsv

# --parallel
gars sliding \
    --ctg 'ctg:I:*' \
    --size 100 --step 10 \
    --lag 100 \
    --threshold 3.0 \
    --influence 1.0 \
    --parallel 1 \
    -o tests/S288c/I.gc.tsv

Env variables

# change redis port
REDIS_PORT=7379 gars env -o stdout

gars env

gars status test

Designing concepts

Redis has a low operating cost, but the inter-process communication (IPC) between gars and redis is expensive. After connecting to redis, a SET or HSET by gars consumes about 100 μs. A pipeline of 100 HSET operations takes almost the same amount of time. If redis-server and gars are running on different hosts, the latency is increased for both physical and virtual NICs. Typical latency for a Gigabit Ethernet is about 200 μs. Thus, for insert operations, gars packages hundreds of operations locally and then passes them to redis at once.

For complex data structures, a local bincode::serialize() takes about 50 ns, and bincode::deserialize() about 100 ns, which is insignificant compared to IPC. Similarly, for genome sequences, gars gz-compresses them locally before passing them to redis.

Contents stored in Redis

Namespace Type Fields Description
common_name STRING The common name, e.g. S288c, Human
chr HASH Length of each chromosome
ctg A contiguous range on chromosome
cnt:ctg:{chr_id} INTEGER Serial number. An internal counter of ctgs on this chr
ctg:{chr_id}:{serial} HASH ID, ctg_id
range 1:4000001-4500000
length All other namespaces of type HASH contain these fields
idx:ctg:{chr_id} BINARY A serialized structure of Lapper<u32, String> for indexing ctgs on chr
bin:ctg:{chr_id} BINARY A serialized structure of BTreeMap<String, Ctg>
seq:{ctg_id} BINARY Compressed genomic sequence of ctg
feature A generic genomic feature of interest
cnt:feature:{ctg_id} INTEGER Serial number. Counter of features locating on this ctg
feature:{ctg_id}:{serial} HASH ID, feature_id
... Standard fields similar to ctg
tag Feature tags
bin:feature:{ctg_id} SET A Redis SET contains all serialized features on this ctg
range Genomic features used for counting, i.e., relationship to certain features
cnt:range:{ctg_id} INTEGER Serial number. Counter of ranges locating on this ctg
range:{ctg_id}:{serial} HASH ID, range_id
... Standard fields similar to ctg
idx:range:{ctg_id} BINARY A serialized structure of Lapper<u32, String> for indexing ranges on ctg
peak Peaks of GC-wave
cnt:peak:{ctg_id} INTEGER Serial number. Counter of peaks locating on this ctg
peak:{ctg_id}:{serial} HASH ID, peak_id
... Standard fields similar to ctg
signal 1 for crest, -1 for trough
gc GC-content
left_signal Signal of previous peak
left_wave_length Distance to previous peak
left_amplitude Difference of GC-content to previous peak
right_signal Signal of next peak
right_wave_length distance to next peak
right_amplitude Difference of GC-content to next peak

Runtime dependencies

  • Command line tools managed by Linuxbrew
brew install redis

brew install parallel wget aria2 pigz
brew install datamash miller

brew tap wang-q/tap
brew install wang-q/tap/tsv-utils wang-q/tap/intspan wang-q/tap/faops
  • R (4.2) packages
# R packages
parallel -j 1 -k --line-buffer '
    Rscript -e '\''
        if (!requireNamespace("{}", quietly = TRUE)) {
            install.packages("{}", repos="https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/CRAN")
    ' ::: \
        getopt \
        extrafont ggplot2 gridExtra \
  • Querying tools
# Redis GUI
# winget install qishibo.AnotherRedisDesktopManager
# brew install --cask another-redis-desktop-manager

# Clickhouse
# Linux
export LTS=
curl -LO https://repo.clickhouse.tech/tgz/lts/clickhouse-common-static-${LTS}.tgz

tar -xzvf clickhouse-common-static-${LTS}.tgz
sudo bash clickhouse-common-static-${LTS}/install/doinst.sh

# mac
#brew tap altinity/clickhouse
#brew install altinity/clickhouse/clickhouse@21.8-altinity-stable

aria2c 'https://builds.clickhouse.com/master/macos/clickhouse'
mv clickhouse ~/bin
chmod a+x ~/bin/clickhouse

# Clickhouse GUI
git clone https://github.com/VKCOM/lighthouse
browser lighthouse/index.html

# textql as an alternative
brew install textql


Qiang Wang wang-q@outlook.com



Copyright by Qiang Wang.

Written by Qiang Wang wang-q@outlook.com, 2021.