- Bash script for deploying NVidia-Docker2 on Ubuntu
- Dockerfile to create X-accelerated containers with novnc frontend, image hosted on Dockerhub
- comes in the following flavours
for runtime:dev
developer-tools and:minimum
tag for minimum CPU-only with user jail
Start X CUDA session
With Nvidia Docker enabled
docker run --gpus all --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri -d twobombs/deploy-nvidia-docker
Docker only
docker run --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri -d twobombs/deploy-nvidia-docker
Minimalistic Docker CPU-only version with user jailed in xterm
docker run -d twobombs/deploy-nvidia-docker:minimal
Initial vnc password is 00000000
- noVNC website is avaliable at port
- xRDP running at port
to vnc127.0.0.1:5900
Version history:
- Upgrade CUDA version to 12.1
- Upgrade dev and latest image to Ubuntu 22.04
- Upgrade cpu only image to Ubuntu 22.04
- Minimalistic CPU-only jail version added
- Dev and Runtime version separated
- Upgrade image to CUDA 11.0 and Ubuntu 20.04
- Docker 19.03+ NV integration
- Nvidia-Docker 2.0 integration release
- Wine v0.2 addon pre-release
- Initial v0.1 pre-release
Because of Docker integration with nvidia all k8s orchestrators should play nice with NV GPU container instances.