
Django Visual Studio Project Template with IIS support

Primary LanguagePython


Django Visual Studio Project Template with IIS support

  1. First ensure you had install python & pip
  2. Install wfastcgi according to instruction described in An IIS-Python bridge based on WSGI and FastCGI
  3. Download Django_IIS_Project.zip
  4. Copy to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Templates\ProjectTemplates\
  5. Open Visual Studio and create new project -> Python -> Django_IIS_Project
  6. Once success create you project , right click your project and select "Publish" command
  7. Select an directory for output application files or use default location "d:\Publish\xxx(your project name)
  8. Create an new iis site and select path to output directory
  9. Open your browser & location to you iis site address

Django 在 IIS 中运行的(Visual Studio)项目模板