This repo is the released code of our work Why Misinformation is Created? Detecting them by Integrating Intent Features, published in CIKM'24.
🎉 [ 2024/07 ] This paper is accepted by CIKM 2024.
Our released code follows to "Generalizing to the Future: Mitigating Entity Bias in Fake News Detection".
You can download the dataset GossipCop from ENDEF, SIGIR 2023, and PolitiFact and Snopes from
, and then place them to the folder ./data
- Run the shell script:
python --model_name t5our --dataset gossip
where --dataset
includes gossip, politifact, snopes; --model_name
contains t5, t5emo, t5mdfend, t5our
(t5ours represents our proposed DM-INTER model).
- Check log files in
, and we prepare an automatic
to convert log files to an excel table.
- ArXiv version
author = {Bing Wang and
Ximing Li and
Changchun Li and
Bo Fu and
Songwen Pei and
Shengsheng Wang},
title = {Why Misinformation is Created? Detecting them by Integrating Intent
journal = {CoRR},
volume = {abs/2407.19196},
year = {2024},