Source code of our CIKM'24 paper "Why Misinformation is Created? Detecting them by Integrating Intent Features"

Primary LanguagePython


This repo is the released code of our work Why Misinformation is Created? Detecting them by Integrating Intent Features, published in CIKM'24.

🎉 [ 2024/07 ] This paper is accepted by CIKM 2024.

Our released code follows to "Generalizing to the Future: Mitigating Entity Bias in Fake News Detection".



Prepare Datasets

You can download the dataset GossipCop from ENDEF, SIGIR 2023, and PolitiFact and Snopes from https://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/dl-cred-analysis/ , and then place them to the folder ./data;


  • Run the shell script:
python main.py --model_name t5our --dataset gossip 

where --dataset includes gossip, politifact, snopes; --model_name contains t5, t5emo, t5mdfend, t5our (t5ours represents our proposed DM-INTER model).

  • Check log files in ./log, and we prepare an automatic tool read_results.py to convert log files to an excel table.


  • ArXiv version
  author       = {Bing Wang and
                  Ximing Li and
                  Changchun Li and
                  Bo Fu and
                  Songwen Pei and
                  Shengsheng Wang},
  title        = {Why Misinformation is Created? Detecting them by Integrating Intent
  journal      = {CoRR},
  volume       = {abs/2407.19196},
  year         = {2024},