Source code of paper "Siamese Teacher-Strict Knowledge Distillation for Change Detection"

Primary LanguagePython


The released repo of our work on remote sensing change detection
"Siamese Teacher-Strict Knowledge Distillation for Change Detection"

Note that, our code is based on https://github.com/likyoo/change_detection.pytorch


  • torchvision>=0.5.0
  • pretrainedmodels==0.7.4
  • efficientnet-pytorch==0.6.3
  • timm==0.4.12
  • albumentations==1.0.3

To install requirements, run pip install -r requirements.txt.

dataset preparing

you can refer to README in https://github.com/likyoo/change_detection.pytorch
datasets should lie in ./data/DATASET_NAME and are cut into ./data/DATASET_NAME/train, ./data/DATASET_NAME/val and ./data/DATASET_NAME/test

training and eval

bash ./run.sh

logs and checkpoints

your logs will be recorded in ./log/MODEL_NAME and checkpoint models are saved in ./checkpoint/bestmodel_UUID