
reverse proxy, 反向代理,免翻墙访问Youtube/twitter/Google, 支持telegram web登录。请勿将本项目用于非法用途,否则后果自负。

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

siteproxy 2.0

Siteproxy 2.0 使用了service worker, 使得代理更加稳定, 可以代理了的网站更多。 同时使用hono替代express,速度提高4倍。 支持cloudflare worker部署。 反向代理, 免翻墙访问youtube/google, 支持github和telegram web登录。 pure web page proxy to google/youtube, zero configuration from client side. Reverse proxy to all internet. 一键部署,翻墙利器。

                                                 +----> google/youtube
                             +----------------+  |
                             |                |  |
user browser +-------------->+ siteproxy      +-------> wikipedia
                             |                |  |
                             +----------------+  |
                                                 +----> chinese forums




  • 使用hono替代express,速度提高4倍。
  • 支持cloudflare worker部署。
  • 支持密码控制代理,知道密码才能访问代理。
  • 不需要客户端的任何配置,访问代理网址即可访问全世界。
  • 支持telegram web登录。
  • enter siteproxy's address, and go surf on internet without censorship
  • no proxy setting from client side is needed. zero configuration from client browser


1. 假设你的域名已经管理在cloudflare名下, 并设置你的代理网站域名的DNS到任意ip, 比如192.0.2.2, 注意使能代理,确保代理状态是:已代理。
2. git clone本项目,并使用文本编辑器打开build/worker.js (不用git clone,直接下载这个文件也可以)
3. 搜索http://localhost:5006字符串,将它替换为你的代理网站域名,比如https://your-proxy-domain.name
4. 创建一个worker,并编辑worker,将上一步编辑过的worker.js拷贝粘贴到worker里面,保存部署。
5. 增加一个worker路由, 将your-proxy-domain.name/* 指向刚刚保存的worker。
6. 现在可以直接访问https://your-proxy-domain.name/user-your-password/, 就可以了。注意这里的域名和密码替换为你自己的域名和密码。


1. 创建一个ssl website(使用certbot and nginx, google下用法), 配置nginx,
   /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default 需要包含以下内容:
   server {
      server_name your-proxy.domain.name
      location / {
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
        proxy_pass       http://localhost:5006;
2. 执行:sudo systecmctl restart nginx
3. 用户环境下执行下列命令安装node环境, 如果你已经有node环境, 忽略这一步
   (1)curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.3/install.sh | bash
   (2)source ~/.bashrc
   (3)nvm install v18
4. 执行:git clone https://github.com/netptop/siteproxy.git;
5. 执行:cd siteproxy;
6. 打开并修改保存config.json文件:
      "proxy_url": "https://your-proxy.domain.name", // 这个是你申请到的代理服务器域名
      "token_prefix": "/user-SetYourPasswordHere/",  // 这个实际上是你的网站密码,用来防止非法访问
      "description": "注意:token_prefix相当于网站密码,请谨慎设置。 proxy_url和token_prefix合起来就是访问网址。"
7. 执行:nohup node bundle.js &
8. 现在就可以在浏览器中访问你的域名了, 网址就是前面的proxy_url加上token_prefix.
9. 如果想套CloudFlare加速, 可以参考CloudFlare说明


1. Assume your domain is already managed under Cloudflare, and set the DNS of your proxy website's domain to any IP, such as
2. Git clone this project, and use a text editor to open build/worker.js.
3. Search for the string http://localhost:5006 and replace it with your proxy website's domain, for example, https://your-proxy-domain.name. Also, search for user22334455 and change it to the password you want to set.
4. Create a worker, edit the worker, and copy and paste the edited worker.js from the previous step into the worker, then save and deploy.
5. Add a worker route, directing your-proxy-domain.name/* to the worker you just saved.
6. Now you can directly visit https://your-proxy-domain.name/user-your-password/, and it should work. Note to replace the domain and password with your own.


1. Create an SSL website (using certbot and nginx, Google the usage), configure nginx, /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default should contain the following content: ... server { server_name your-proxy.domain.name; location / { proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_pass http://localhost:5006; } }
2. Execute: sudo systemctl start nginx
3. Under user environment, run the following commands to install Node environment, if you already have Node environment, skip this step:
    (1) curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.3/install.sh | bash
    (2) source ~/.bashrc
    (3) nvm install v18
4. Execute: git clone https://github.com/netptop/siteproxy.git;
5. Execute: cd siteproxy;
6. Open and modify the config.json file and save:
      "proxy_url": "https://your-proxy.domain.name",
      "token_prefix": "/user-SetYourPasswordHere/",
      "description": "Note: token_prefix acts as the website password, please set it carefully. proxy_url and token_prefix together form the access URL." 
7. Execute: node bundle.js
8. Now you can access your domain in the browser, address is actually proxy_url+token_prefix.
9. If you want to use CloudFlare for acceleration, you can refer to CloudFlare's documentation.


Telegram群: @siteproxy
email: netptop@gmail.com