Equal Area Annulus (EAA) method (Will et al., 2016; 2019) can be used to examine in detail many of the interactions between ecological factors and evolutionary divergence in forest diversity plots.

This method combines spatial point-pattern and individual-based neighborhood models. It is capable of refining and extending the research results of traditional individual-based neighborhood models at different spatial and phylogenetic distances.

  • Wills, C., K. E. Harms, T. Wiegand, R. Punchi-Manage, G. S. Gilbert, D. Erickson, W. J. Kress, S. P. Hubbell, C. V. S. Gunatilleke, I. A. U. N. Gunatilleke, 2016. Persistence of Neighborhood Demographic Influences Over Long Phylogenetic Distances May Help Drive Post-Speciation Adaptation in Tropical Forests. PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0156913.

  • Wills, C, B. Wang, S. Fang, Y. Wang, Y. Jin, J. Lutz, S. Germain, T.L. Yao, C. D. Fletcher, S. Pulla, B. Pasion, J. Thompson, J. Smokey, K. E. Harms, D. Thomas, H. Liu, N. Butt, X. Li, P. Ong, L. J. Rodriguez, C-H. Chan-Yang, R. Sukumar, H. S. Dattaraja, H. S. Suresh, D. Kenfack, G. Chuyong, F. He, C. Chu, B. Li, I F. Sun, C-F. Hsieh, S-H. Su, X. Wang, N. Gunatilleke, S. Gunatilleke, S.Ediriweera, S. Esufali, Z. Hao, X. Mi, K. Ma, M. Morecroft, X. Wang, S. Tan, A. Itoh, J. Zimmermann, M. Uriarte, S. Davies, 2019. In Forests Worldwide a Tree’s Influence on Neighbors Increases Steadily with Proximity and Idiosyncratically with Phylogenetic Relatedness. In review at Science Advances.