Identification of 100 fundamental ecological questions 生态学100个基本问题的确定

    1. What are the evolutionary consequences of species becoming less connected through fragmentation or more connected through globalization?
    1. 更少的破碎化生境相关性或更多的全球化生境相关性,物种会有什么样的进化后果?
    1. To what extent can evolution change the scaling relationships that we see in nature?
    1. 在什么程度范围内,进化能改变我们在自然中所看到的等级比例?
    1. How local is adaptation?
    1. 本地生物是怎样适应的?
    1. What are the ecological causes and consequences of epigenetic variation?
    1. 表现型基因变异的生态学原因和后果是什么?
    1. What are the relative contributions of different levels of selection (gene, individual, group) to life history evolution and the resulting population dynamics?
    1. 对生命进化历史和种群动态结果的解释,不同层次的选择对象(基因,个体,群组)有什么相对贡献?
    1. What selective forces cause sex differences in life history and what are their consequences for population dynamics?
    1. 是什么选择压力导致了生活史中性别的差异,它们的种群动态后果是什么?
    1. How should evolutionary and ecological theory be modified for organisms where the concepts of individual and fitness are not easily defined (e.g. fungi)?
    1. 针对一些个体和状态的概念不容易限定的生物(如,真菌),进化和生态学理论应该怎样修订?
    1. How do the strength and form of density dependence influence feedbacks between population dynamics and life-history evolution?
    1. 密度依赖的强度和形式是怎样影响种群动态和生命进化中反馈信息的?
    1. How does phenotypic plasticity influence evolutionary trajectories?
    1. 表型可塑性怎样影响进化轨迹的?
    1. What are the physiological bases of life-history trade-offs?
    1. 生命进化历史取舍的生理基础是什么?


    1. What are the evolutionary and ecological mechanisms that govern species’ range margins?
    1. 目标物种分布范围边缘的进化和生态机制是什么?
    1. How can we upscale detailed processes at the level of individuals into patterns at the population scale?
    1. 我们怎样将个体水平上细节过程扩展到种群水平上的格局?
    1. How do species and population traits and landscape configuration interact to determine realized dispersal distances?
    1. 物种、种群特征及景观布局怎样作用来决定物种的实际扩散距离?
    1. What is the heritability/genetic basis of dispersal and movement behaviour?
    1. 传播和运动行为的遗传或基因基础是什么?
    1. Do individuals in the tails of dispersal or dormancy distributions have distinctive genotypes or phenotypes?
    1. 在物种扩散或休眠分布的背后有没有独特的基因型或表现型?
    1. How do organisms make movement decisions in relation to dispersal, migration, foraging or mate search?
    1. 生物是怎样决策与扩散、迁移、觅食及求偶等相关的活动?
    1. Do different demographic rates vary predictably over different spatial scales, and how do they then combine to in fluence spatio-temporal population dynamics?
    1. 不同空间尺度上可预见不同的数量变异吗,它们是怎样组合影响时空上种群动态的?
    1. How does demographic and spatial structure modify the effects of environmental stochasticity on population dynamics?
    1. 种群数量和空间结构是怎样调整来适应环境随机性对种群动态作用的?
    1. How does environmental stochasticity and environmental change interact with density dependence to generate population dynamics and species distributions?
    1. 环境随机性与环境变化是怎样与密度制约共同作用产生种群动态和物种分布?
    1. To what degree do trans-generational effects on life histories, such as maternal effects, impact on population dynamics?
    1. 在什么程度上生活史中的跨代影响,如母性效应,会影响种群动态?
    1. What are the magnitudes and durations of carry-over effects of previous environmental experiences on an individual’s subsequent life history and consequent population dynamics?
    1. 先前环境经验的转接效应对个体随后生活史和种群动态影响的重要性和持续时间是多少?
    1. What causes massive variability in recruitment in some marine systems?
    1. 在海洋生态系统中是什么导致了新增个体的大量变异?
    1. How does covariance among life-history traits affect their contributions to population dynamics?
    1. 生活史特征作为协方差是怎样影响它们对种群动态的贡献率的呢?
    1. What is the relative importance of direct (consumption,competition) vs. indirect (induced behavioural change) interactions in determining the effect of one species on others?
    1. 在决定一个物种与其它物种相互关系方面,直接作用(消费、竞争)和间接作用(导致行为的改变)的相对重要性是什么?
    1. How important is individual variation to population,community and ecosystem dynamics?
    1. 个体变异对种群、群落、生态系统动态有多大作用?
    1. What demographic traits determine the resilience of natural populations to disturbance and perturbation?
    1. 是哪些数量特征决定了自然种群的弹性被干扰和扰动?


    1. How important are multiple infections in driving disease dynamics?
    1. 多层感染对驱动病毒动态有多重要?
    1. What is the role of parasites and mutualists in generating and maintaining host species diversity?
    1. 寄生虫和附生植物在导致和维持寄主物种多样性的过程中的作用是什么?
    1. How does below-ground biodiversity affect above-ground biodiversity, and vice versa?
    1. 地下生物多样性对地上生物多样性的作用是怎样的,反之亦然?
    1. What is the relationship between microbial diversity(functional type, species, genotype) and community and ecosystem functioning?
    1. 微观生物多样性(功能型,物种,基因型)与群落和生态系统功能之间的关系是怎样?
    1. To what extent is macroorganism community composition and diversity determined by interactions with micro-organisms?
    1. 在什么情况下大尺度群落结构和生物多样性是由微观生物之间的相互作用所决定的?
    1. What is the relative importance of biotic vs. abiotic feedbacks between plants and soil for influencing plant growth?
    1. 植物与土壤之间生命和非生命反馈信息对植物生长影响的相对重要性?
    1. How do symbioses between micro-organisms and their hosts influence interactions with consumers and higher trophic levels?
    1. 微生物和它们寄主之间的共生关系是怎样影响消费者或更高营养层次上相互作用的?
    1. In what ecological settings are parasites key regulators of population dynamics?
    1. 在什么生态条件下寄生虫是种群动态的关键调节因子?
    1. Do the same macroecological patterns apply to micro-organisms and macro-organisms, and are they caused by the same processes?
    1. 宏观生态学格局在微观生物和宏观生物中的应用是相同的吗,它们是由同样的过程所导致的吗?
    1. What can we learn from model communities of micro-organisms about communities of macroorganisms?
    1. 从微观生物群落模型中我们可以学到哪些关于宏观生物群落的知识?
    1. How does intraspecific diversity contribute to the dynamics of host-parasite and mutualistic interactions?
    1. 种内生物多样性怎样对寄主-寄生虫动态以及互惠作用产生贡献作用的?


    1. How can we use species’ traits as proxies to predict trophic interaction strength?
    1. 我们怎样利用物种特征作为代理来预测营养元素的作用强度?
    1. How well can community properties and responses to environmental change be predicted from the distribution of simple synoptic traits, e.g. body size, leaf area?
    1. 怎样能更好的通过简要的特征(如,体长,叶面积)分布来预测群落状态和对环境变化的反应?
    1. How do species traits influence ecological network structure?
    1. 物种特征是怎样影响整个生态网络结构的?
    1. When, if ever, can the combined effect of many weak interactions, which are difficult to measure, be greater than the few strong ones we can easily measure?
    1. 什么时候,或者一直,一些微弱的难以测量的作用组合会比少量强烈的易测的作用更巨大?
    1. How widespread and important are indirect interactions (e.g. apparent competition, apparent mutualism) in ecological communities?
    1. 在生态系统群落中(一些明显的竞争或互利共生)有多广泛和重要?
    1. How do spatial and temporal environmental heterogeneity influence diversity at different scales?
    1. 时间和空间上的环境异质性是怎样在不同尺度上影响多样性的?
    1. How does species loss affect the extinction risk of the remaining species?
    1. 物种是怎样丧失对其它物种灭绝危险的作用的呢?
    1. What is the relative importance of stochastic vs. deterministic processes in controlling diversity and composition of communities, and how does this vary across ecosystem types?
    1. 随机和确定性过程在控制群落生物多样性和结构方面的相对重要程度有多大,它们是怎样随着不同的生态类型变异的?
    1. How do we predict mechanistically how many species can coexist in a given area?
    1. 我们怎么样才能够机械的预测一个给定区间内可以有多少物种共存呢?
    1. To what extent is local species composition and diversity controlled by dispersal limitation and the regional species pool?
    1. 什么程度下当地物种结构和多样性受到区域种子库和扩散限制的控制呢?
    1. What are the contributions of biogeographical factors and evolutionary history in determining present day ecological processes?
    1. 生物地理特征和进化历史对决定当今生态过程的贡献有多大?
    1. To what extent is primary producer diversity a driver of wider community diversity?
    1. 什么程度下初级生产者多样性是更广泛的群落多样性的驱动力?
    1. How relevant are assembly rules in a world of biological invasion?
    1. 世界上生物入侵的配置规则有多大的相关性?
    1. What is the relative importance of trophic and nontrophic interactions in determining the composition of communities?
    1. 营养和非营养竞争在决定群落结构方面的相对重要性?
    1. How important are dynamical extinction-recolonization equilibria to the persistence of species assemblages in fragmented landscapes?
    1. 灭绝和殖民的动态平衡在一个破碎化景观中物种组合的持久性方面有多重要?
    1. Which mechanisms allow the long-term coexistence of grasses and woody plants over a wide range of ecosystems?
    1. 在一个相对广泛的生态系统中草本和木本植物能够长期共存的机制是什么?
    1. How do resource pulses affect resource use and interactions between organisms?
    1. 能源脉冲是怎样影响能源利用及生物间互作关系的?
    1. How important are rare species in the functioning of ecological communities?
    1. 稀有物种对生态群落功能的重要性?
    1. What is the feedback between diversity and diversification?
    1. 生物多样性与多元化之间的反馈?
    1. What are the functional consequences of allelopathy for natural plant communities?
    1. 自然植物群落中化感作用的功能性后果是什么?


    1. Which ecosystems are susceptible to showing tipping points and why?
    1. 哪些生态系统容易显示出临界点,为什么呢?
    1. How can we tell when an ecosystem is near a tipping point?
    1. 我们怎么才能说一个生态系统已经接近了一个临界点呢?
    1. Which factors and mechanisms determine the resilience of ecosystems to external perturbations and how do we measure resilience?
    1. 哪些因素和机制决定了生态系统应对外部干扰的弹性,我们怎样测量这种弹性呢?
    1. Which ecosystems and what properties are most sensitive to changes in community composition?
    1. 哪些生态系统的哪些属性最容易改变群落结构?
    1. How is ecosystem function altered under realistic scenarios of biodiversity change?
    1. 在现实的生物多样性变化情况下生态系统功能是怎样变化的?
    1. What is the relative contribution of biodiversity at different levels of organization (genes, species richness, species identity, functional identity, functional diversity) to ecosystem functioning?
    1. 在不同组织水平上(基因,物种丰富度,物种特征,功能特征,功能多样性)的生物多样性对生态系统功能的相对贡献率?
    1. What are the generalities in ecosystem properties and dynamics between marine, freshwater and terrestrial biomes?
    1. 在海洋、淡水、陆地生物群落中生态系统性能和动态的普遍性是什么?
    1. How does the structure of ecological interaction networks affect ecosystem functioning and stability?
    1. 生态系统相互作用网的结构对生态系统功能和稳定性的影响?
    1. How does spatial structure influence ecosystem function and how do we integrate within and between spatial scales to assess function?
    1. 空间结构对生态系统功能有什么影响,我们怎样整合内部或之间的空间尺度来对功能进行评估?
    1. How do nutrients other than nitrogen and phosphorus(and iron in the sea) affect productivity in ecosystems?
    1. 氮磷(海洋中的铁)为什么会比其它营养物质对生态系统生产力作用更大?
    1. To what extent is biotic invasion and native species loss creating ecosystems with altered properties?
    1. 在什么程度下生物入侵和土著物种丧失会导致生态系统属性的改变?
    1. Are there globally significant ecosystem functions provided by poorly known ecosystems (e.g. deep oceans, ground water)?
    1. 有没有全球重要的生态系统功能是由鲜为人知的生态系统所提供(如,深海,地下水)?
    1. Which, if any, species are functionally redundant in the context of stochastic or directional environmental changes?
    1. 哪些物种在随机性或直接性环境改变的情况下会发生功能型的过剩?
    1. Is hysteresis the exception or the norm in ecological systems?
    1. 滞后现象在生态系统中是异常还是正常呢?
    1. Can we predict the responses of ecosystems to environmental change based on the traits of species?
    1. 我们能通过物种特征来预测生态系统对环境改变所产生的反应吗?


    1. What is the magnitude of the ‘extinction debt’ following the loss and fragmentation of natural habitats,and when will it be paid?
    1. 随着自然生境的丧失和破碎化‘灭绝债务’有什么重要性,什么时候会得到补偿?
    1. What is the role of evolution in recovery from exploitation and responses to other forms of relaxed selection?
    1. 进化在开发地恢复中的作用,以及对其他形式松弛选择的反应?
    1. What are the indirect effects of harvesting on ecosystem structure and dynamics?
    1. 什么是影响生态系统结构和动态收获的间接作用?
    1. What are the major feedbacks and interactions between the Earth’s ecosystems and the atmosphere under a changing climate?
    1. 地球上生态系统和不断变化的大气之间有什么重要反馈和相互作用?
    1. What are the key determinants of the future magnitude of marine and terrestrial carbon sinks?
    1. 未来海洋和陆地碳库大小的关键决定性因素是什么?
    1. How will atmospheric change affect primary production of terrestrial ecosystems?
    1. 大气变化是怎样影响陆地生态系统初级生产力的?
    1. How will ocean acidification in fluence primary production of marine ecosystems?
    1. 海洋酸化是怎样影响海洋生态系统初级生产力的?
    1. To what extent will climate change uncouple trophic links due to phenological change?
    1. 在什么程度下由于物候改变而非营养耦合引起气候改变?
    1. How do natural communities respond to increased frequencies of extreme weather events predicted under global climate change?
    1. 自然群落对全球气候变化下预测的频率增加的极端天气事件会有怎样的反应?
    1. In the face of rapid environmental change, what determines whether species adapt, shift their ranges or go extinct?
    1. 面对快速的环境变化,是什么决定了物种选择适应,改变分布范围或者没绝?
    1. What determines the rate at which species distributions respond to climate change?
    1. 什么决定了物种分布对气候变化的反应率?
    1. To what extent can we extrapolate from palaeoecological range shifts to understand 21st-century change?
    1. 在什么程度下我们可以通过推测古生物分布范围变化来理解它们在21世纪的变化?
    1. Under what circumstances do landscape structures such as corridors and stepping stones play important roles in the distribution and abundance of species?
    1. 在什么环境下像走廊和踏脚石这样的景观结构对物种分布和多度有重要的作用?
    1. To what extent will the breakdown of biogeographical barriers (e.g. the more permanent opening of the Northwest Passage) lead to sustained changes in local diversity?
    1. 在什么情况下生物地理障碍的崩溃(如,西北廊道的永久开放)会导致当地生物多样性的持续变化?
    1. How do interspecific interactions affect species responses to global change?
    1. 种间相互作用是怎样影响物种对全球变化响应的?
    1. What are the ecosystem impacts of world-wide top predator declines?
    1. 世界范围内的顶级捕食者的下降会对生态系统有什么作用?
    1. What is the legacy of Pleistocene megafauna extinctions on contemporary ecosystems?
    1. 什么是更新世大型物种没绝对当代生态系统的遗产?


    1. What unexploited theories used by other disciplines could inform ecology, and vice versa?
    1. 其他学科使用而未开发的理论将对生态学有什么启示,反之亦然?
    1. How do we best develop and exploit empirical model systems for understanding natural systems?
    1. 我们怎样更好地发展和开发以实验为依托的模型系统来理解自然系统?
    1. How successful have past ecological predictions been and why?
    1. 过去的生态系统预测已经很完美了吗,为什么呢?
    1. What is the nature of published ecological errors and how do errors affect academic understanding and policy?
    1. 发表什么样的生态学误差是自然的,这些误差对理论理解和政策有什么作用?
    1. How is our understanding of ecology influenced by publication bias?
    1. 我们怎样理解受出版偏崎影响的生态学?
    1. What new technologies would most advance ecological understanding?
    1. 什么样的新工具能更加深刻的推荐生态学理解?
    1. How do we combine multiple scales and types of monitoring (from field to earth observation) to make robust ecological inferences?
    1. 我们怎样结合多尺度和多类型的监测(从田间到全球观察)去检验强大的生态学推论?
    1. To what extent are widely studied ecological patterns (species-abundance distribution, species-area relationship, etc.) the outcomes of statistical rather than ecological processes?
    1. 在什么范围内被广泛研究的生态学格局(种多度分布,种面积关系,等)仅是统计结果而非生态学过程?
    1. What are the most appropriate baselines for determining the magnitude and direction of ecological changes?
    1. 有什么重要的基线决定生态学变化的重要性和方向?
    1. How much does modelling feedbacks from the observation process, such as the responses of organisms to data collectors, improve our ability to infer ecological processes?
    1. 多少个观测过程中的模型反馈信息,如通过生物数据收集器的反应,能增强我们推断生态学过程的能力?
    1. How can the feedbacks between human behaviour and ecological dynamics be accounted for in ecological models?
    1. 有多少人类行为和生态学动态之间的反馈信息能够被生态学模型多记录?