Source code for TOP DQM development

Primary LanguageC++


Skeleton code for TOP DQM development.


There are two ways to run this script:

  1. Run directly with ROOT:
root Main.cpp

You can change the input and output filenames in the function Main().

  1. Compile first:

then run it with


The program runs much faster in this way. But gcc is required for compiling.

Input file format

This program reads input parameters from a csv file. One example showns below:

#number of histos, histo dimension (1D or 2D), class name, name, title, nbinsx, xmin, xmax, (for 2D: nbinsy, ymin, ymax)
1,1,NhitsPlot, hnhits, histograms for nhits, 100, 0, 200
16,1,NhitsPerModulePlot, hnhits_per_module, nhits for each module, 100, 0, 200

Each line of this file describes one histogrammer, which includes the number of histograms, the dimension for each histogram (1D or 2D), the class name for the histogrammer, the name, title, number of bins, lower and upper limits for the histograms. Comment lines start with #. Input file name can be changed in Main.cpp.

How to write new histogrammer

  1. Define a new class which inherits from Histogrammer class.
  2. Override function process_event to process each event and fill the histograms.
  3. Include the new file in the beginning of the Main.cpp.
  4. Add a line similar to the following:
		Histogrammer *nh;
		if (class_name=="NhitsPlot") {
			nh=new NhitsPlot();
		} else if (class_name=="NhitsPerModulePlot") {
			nh=new NhitsPerModulePlot();

Finally you can define the parameters in the input csv file.

Look at NhitsPlot.h and NhitsPerModulePlot.h for more implementation details.

How to use git to update the repository

First, clone the repository to your local computer

git clone git@github.com:wangbq/TOPDDT.git

if you haven't done so.

After that, you can use

git pull

to get the most recent version of the source code at any time.

Before you make any changes, create a new branch and switch to it, so the main branch (master in this repository) won't be affected before you finish your change

git branch your-new-branch
git checkout your-new-branch

Make whatever changes you want, then check them into the branch by using

git add .
git commit -m "your commit message"

Make sure to use meaningful commit messages to describe your changes.

If everything goes well and your new code runs successfully, merge it with the main branch (master):

git checkout master
git merge your-new-branch

Then send your changes to the repository on github:

git push

After that, you can delete your new branch if you want:

git branch -d your-new-branch

Note: you may need to set up your ssh key pairs on github to upload source code. Please refer to the help pages on github.com.