x7-repo (wrapped Spring JdbcTemplate, Distribution Lock, Cache and so on....)
@EnableX7Repository @Repository and { interface FooRepository extends BaseRepository<Foo> }
@EnableX7L3Caching @CacheableL3
@EnableDistributionLock @Lock or
{ DistributionLock.by(key).lock(task) }
/reyc (wrapped Resilience4J)
@EnableReySupport and { private ReyTemplate reyTemplate }
@EnableReyClient @ReyClient
/reliable (mq transaction api)
1. A method, coded with io.xream/reliable or seata, maybe we can not use:
@Lock or
{ DistributionLock.by(key).lock(task) }
2. If deploy many copies of a set of microservices, how to route to the service?
public class FooRouter implements GroupRouter{
public String replaceHolder(){
return "#xxx#";
public String replaceValue(Object obj) {
// See the demo: CatServiceGroupRouterForK8S.java
// Anyway, coding to ensure all the data only in the dbs connected by the target services
// each set of services connect diffent db and cache, one set include: storage, db, cache,
// and your program
// all in docker, all in k8s, set/k8s namespace
@ReyClient(value = "http://${service.demo}/xxx", groupRouter = FooRouter.class)
# when write/read db, sharding db can't support more TPS
# we set the k8s namespace: prod_0, prod_1, prod_2 ....
# k8s ingress to front service(no connection to DB), front service call service-demo
# by this way, one set of services' TPS is 10000, deploy 10 sets, TPS become almost 100000