This is a small renderer developed and maintained by Chi Wang(
The renderer is named after one of my favourite table tennis blade "Viscaria" from Butterfly. But, viscaria, itself, is also a beautiful flower.
The features of the renderer:
implement path tracing with and without multiple importance sampling, as well as direct illumination;
include Microfacet BRDF models on GGX surface, and on Beckmann surface(with visible normal distribution sampling), as well as Lambertian, specular reflection BRDF models;
intersection test accelerated by Embree;
multi-threaded by OpenMP;
support reading PLY geometry file;
POLARISATION ray tracing supports are on the way.
Executable can be found in Gallery folder.
Run the renderer with scene file as following in command line:
Viscaria.exe happy_new_year.txt
To run the executable elsewhere in Windows, it is necessary to add embree lib folder(.....\Viscaria_Renderer\embree\lib) to system PATH variable.
To re-compile the project, what you need to do is just opening ".sln" file directly in Visual Studio 2015.