My Data Structures and Algorithms notes repo.

Primary LanguageC++

DSA Notes

This repo. is my algorithm notes about OJs and DSA lessons.

1. DSA Notes Structure

According to algorithm design and algorithm analysis technicals, i group my notes in those folders as follows:

  1. AlgoNotes:算法笔记
  2. bit:位运算
  3. vector:数组及相关算法
  4. list:链表及相关算法
  5. stack:栈及相关算法
  6. queue:队列及相关算法
  7. hash_table:哈希表结构及相关算法
  8. string:字符串结构及相关算法
  9. heap:堆结构及相关算法
  10. tree:二叉树结构及相关算法
  11. BST:查找树结构及相关算法
  12. tire:字典树结构及相关算法
  13. graph:图结构及相关算法
  14. backtrack:回溯算法
  15. sort:排序算法
  16. binary_search:查找算法
  17. greedy:贪心问题
  18. recursion:分治算法与递归
  19. dp:动态规划问题
  20. unoin_find:并查集问题
  21. math:数学问题
  22. others:其他问题

2. Template and Script

The python script use to generate note-template in .md file:

  1. you can attach the file name behind the running script as args;
  2. you can change the file directory in script.

3. Project Plan

I just use 3 months to finished the review task of basic algorithm, and use one more month to conclude my algorithm notes. I think its time to step forward and go to the next stage, follows are my plans.

  1. practice makes prefect. consistence improvement will give me a better understanding of my work.
  2. learn more algorithm and skills. make my tiny ropo. more consolidation.