
web3go's goal is to build an modern Golang SDK for Ethereum system

Primary LanguageGo


The web3go's goal is to build an go sdk for supporting all ethereum rpc

Struct Fields Type Rule

  1. For convinenet for developer, the web3go use standard type instead of hex types in rpc response, for example *hexutil.Big will be *big.Int in client interface. As well as the struct fields, but marshal/unmarshal result still be hex format.
  2. The types of struct fields according to geth and parity and use the minimal type, such geth is hexutil.Uint64 and parity is *hexutil.Big, then the filed type will be uint64
  3. The slice item always be pointer if item is struct to avoid value copy when iteration


create simple client


create client with retry and timeout options, it will retry when call/batchcall failed and timeout in specific times

    NewClientWithOption("http://localhost:8545", nil)

create client with provider

	p, e := providers.NewBaseProvider(context.Background(), "http://localhost:8545")
	if e != nil {
		return e

for custom pre/post call/batchcall behaviors, you can use MiddlewareProvider to hook on call/batchcall, such as log requests and so on

	p, e := providers.NewBaseProvider(context.Background(), "http://localhost:8545")
	if e != nil {
		return e
	mp := providers.NewMiddlewarableProvider(p)

the callLogMiddleware is like

func callLogMiddleware(f providers.CallFunc) providers.CallFunc {
	return func(resultPtr interface{}, method string, args ...interface{}) error {
		fmt.Printf("request %v %v\n", method, args)
		err := f(resultPtr, method, args...)
		j, _ := json.Marshal(resultPtr)
		fmt.Printf("response %s\n", j)
		return err