Leetcode Problem

This book is used to record my understanding on solving the problem of LeetCode. I will divide this book into serveral parts and each part have be an independent topic, just like the tag of the problem in Leetcode.


For the content of this book, you can refer to here.

Get started

There are two parts here, code and documents.

Code parts

You can clone this repo to your linux local environment use the below instruction:

git clone https://github.com/wangdefa/Leetcode.git

Then you can go the directory of the ./src/build and run:

cmake ../
make -j8

Then all the executable file will be under the build directory.

$ tree 0_BasicDataStructure/
├── DivideConquer
├── HashTable
├── Heap
├── HuffmanTree
├── Knapsack
├── LinkedList
├── PriorityQueue
├── Queue
├── Random
├── Sort
├── Stack
└── Tree
0 directories, 12 files
$ ./0_BasicDataStructure/Random 
5	9	2	6	4	7	1	3	8	

Document parts

Since the poor performance of supporting latex on github, I have given up looking for a better solution for this. But if you are still insterested in the document itself, I recommand you install a $\textcolor{red}{markdown , editor}$ named typora, it really a good assistant.

After you have install this tool, you can convert this document to HTML, PDF etc...