本来是自己写来比赛用, 方便调参的图像分类框架, 一个挺方便分类框架, 还在慢慢完善各种模型
- Resnet18
- Resnet50
- Se_resnext50
- EfficientNetB0
- EfficientNetB5
- Resnest50
- Resnest101
git clone https://github.com/Stephenfang51/image_classification_pytorch
torch 版本必须 >= 1.1 而且必须从 pip3 install https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu100/torch-1.1.0-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl 这样安装 cuda才会是10.0
pip install pretrainedmodels
Preparing your train data like
# if you have 3 classes in total, they are class A, class B, class C # your train will be like below train/A/ train/B/ train/C/
if your training image all in one dir, you can use csv_data_classification.ipynb to move your original imgs to its independant dir according to your csv file
you can directly command like below to train, select your model, input_size, num_classes …etc
python train.py --train_path /input/mango/train_3levels/ --model efficientb5 --input_size 224 --num_classes 3 --lr_scheduler steplr --step_size 20 --batch_size 32 --init_lr 0.001 --freeze True
To see all the command param, you can check train_detail.py
update 2020.4.21
新增ResNest50, ResNest101
model/utils.py freeze_param, select_network添加ResNest50, ResNest101
Train_detail —model 添加ResNest50, ResNest101
utils.py 下opcounter 修复格式
update 2020.3.21
- 改一下train.py (freeze的部分)
- 将freeze_param添加到model/utils.py底下
- data_aug 修正 RandomErasing , 所以dataset.py也修正
- train.py / train_detail.py 也修正
update 2020.3.20
- dataset.py 修改 (待测试randomErasing)
- train.py修改(新增efficientNet, 增加steplr scheduler)
- train_detail.py (增加steplr scheduler)
- 新增models/utils.py (select_networks)
- 修改utils.py (新增select_scheduler, opcounter)
update 2020.3.16
- 让argparser support bool值当命令行参数
- 添加resume/checkpoint参数, resume表示要从checkpoint继续训练, checkpoint 选择要续run的model name, 默认从
找 - 更新test.py 新增test_detail.py吗, 主要完成读取模型并且inference后生成csv档
- 更新dataset中的CDC类, 将test_path传入
update 2020.3.13
组建一个图像分类通用框架, 用torch搭建
1.test.py 2.model.py (各种常用分类模型) 3.requirement 文件