
Groovy in Action, 2nd Edition - Manning.com

Primary LanguageGroovy

Groovy in Action, Second Edition

//Groovy in Action, 2nd Ed. // Groovy in Action, Second Edition

Part I: The Groovy language

  • 1 Your Way to Groovy
  • 2 Overture: The Groovy Basics
  • 3 The Simple Groovy Datatypes
  • 4 The Collective Groovy Datatypes
  • 5 Working with Closures
  • 6 Groovy Control Structures
  • 7 Object Orientation, Groovy Style
  • 8 Dynamic Programming with Groovy
  • 9 Compile-Time Metaprogramming and AST Transformations
  • 10 Groovy as a Static Language

Part II: Around the Groovy library

  • 11 Working with Builders
  • 12 Working with the GDK
  • 13 Database Programming with Groovy
  • 14 Working with XML and JSON
  • 15 Interacting with Web Services
  • 16 Integrating Groovy

Part III: Everyday Groovy

  • 17 Unit Testing with Groovy
  • 18 Concurrent Groovy with GPars
  • 19 Domain Specific Languages (DSLs)
  • 20 The Groovy Ecosystem


  • A Installation and Documentation
  • B Groovy Language Info
  • C GDK API Quick Reference
  • D Cheat Sheets
  • E AST Transformation Parameters
  • F Compiler Phases
  • G AST Visitors


  • Project configured using Java 1.7
  • Project configured using Groovy 2.1.5
  • Environment Variables
    • GROOVY_HOME=/opt/groovy-2.1.5

Project Structure

  • Groovy Classes are in chapter specific src/main/groovy
  • Groovy Scripts are in chapter specific src/main/scripts

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