
MOVING TO https://************.com/linux-kernel-module-cheat#python See README. Python minimal examples. Asserts used wherever possible. Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.

Primary LanguagePython

Python Cheat logo

This repo is in the process of moving to: https://************.com/linux-kernel-module-cheat#python

The move will be done progressively as examples are needed there, and no new content will be added here.

Build Status

Python minimal examples. Asserts used wherever possible. Tested in Ubuntu 18.04.

  1. Getting started

  2. Introduction

    1. Implementations
    2. python utility
    3. Style guides
    4. Pros and cons
    5. How to hack Python projects
  3. Meta

    1. test
  4. Language

    1. Functions
      1. lambda
      2. keyword-only argument
      3. Built-in functions
    2. class
      1. Special methods
      2. slots
      3. issubclass
      4. class
    3. Exception
    4. Decorator
    5. Exception
    6. Iterator
    7. Data types
      1. Built-in types
        1. Number
      2. dict
      3. frozenset
      4. list
      5. set
      6. String
        1. format()
        2. Format operator %
      7. tuple
    8. Multi-file operations: import, modules, imp
      1. import_cheat
    9. Operators
    10. Python 3
    11. Cross-language
      1. C from Python
      2. Python from C
        1. py_from_c/eval.c
        2. Pure embedding
          1. pure.py
          2. pure.c
        3. py_from_c/test
  5. Standard library

    1. argparse
    2. bisect
    3. collections
    4. curses
      1. curses/collision.py
    5. datetime
    6. expat
    7. fileinput
    8. logging
    9. math
    10. optparse
    11. os
      1. environ
      2. path
    12. pickle
    13. random
    14. re
    15. sqlite3
    16. sys
    17. tempfile
    18. termcolor
    19. time
    20. tk
    21. unittest
    22. Networking
      1. SimpleHTTPServer
      2. smtplib
      3. urllib2
      4. wsgi
    23. Multi-thread
      1. subprocess
      2. Multi threading hello world
      3. Multi threading adder
      4. Thread CPU bound vs IO bound
      5. Limit the number of threads
      6. concurrent
        1. concurrent map
        2. concurrent map exception
        3. concurrent submit
  6. Third party

    1. Pexpect
      1. pexpect/python_test.py
    2. pip
    3. sphinx
    4. trac
    5. urllib2
    6. virtualenv
    7. waf
    8. wsgi
    9. Scientific
      1. NumPy
      2. SciPy
      3. SimPy
      4. matplotlib. Moving to https://************.com#matplotlib
      5. jupyter
      6. pandas
      7. h5py HDF5
    10. Interactive friendly
      1. ipython
  7. Packaging

    1. distutils
    2. setuptools
  8. Bibliography