- 迁移不影响现有的业务系统
- 迁移要求简单、高效、兼容性好
- 需要用户有一定的AWS基础,事先配置好AWS VPC及网络环境
- 需要事先登录每台源服务器进行agent安装并执行环境检查
- 需要用户了解AWS EC2相关机型,以便选择与源服务器匹配的机型
- 在待迁移服务器或虚机数量比较多的情况下,重复性工作量太大
- 人为操作的地方较多,容易出错
- 操作简单:只需要在任何客户端(Windows或linux)安装好python环境,即可完成一键批量迁移,不需要有AWS的相关基础知识
- 功能强大:能够自动根据源端机型匹配AWS对应的最新机型。解决了Cloudendure自身默认根据源端只能匹配上一代机型的问题。同时,针对不同环境(如Amazon Linux,CentOS,Ubuntu)做了适配
- 大规模迁移:适用于大规模迁移,一次可以达到CloudEndure单项目上限(350台虚机同时迁移)
- 可定制化:根据用户特定的诉求,可以随时修改脚本,满足特定的迁移需求(如用户源环境中没装python,不用每台机器去安装,可以直接在脚本中修改,会自动帮助安装相关环境。同样也可以进行内核开发包升级或驱动安装等)
基础环境准备 | 关键事项 | 具体Action |
注册AWS帐号 | 创建用户,授予操作EC2、VPC等相关Role,并获取AKSK | |
注册Cloudendure帐号 | 在AWS Console提support case申请License(**),创建迁移项目,并输入第一步的AKSK | |
准备Windows环境 | 安装python,并通过pip安装fabric库 | |
批量迁移 | 下载源码 | 直接通过git clone或从GitHub网站下载所有源码到本地任意目录,建议放在英文目录下。https://github.com/wanggaoxiong/one-click-massive-migration/ |
输入Cloudendure帐号信息 | 直接修改“Cloudendure_Account_Info.csv”文件,在其中输入前面注册的CloudEndure帐号信息,以及项目名称 | |
输入源服务器信息 | 直接修改“Source_Servers_Info.csv”文件,输入需要迁移的机器的ip、用户名、密码或key相关信息 | |
执行迁移脚本 | 直接在客户端中执行“one-click-massive-migration.py” python脚本,即可自动开启大规模迁移 |
- 准备客户端环境(以Windows为例)
建议安装最新的版本,如3.9.0,默认自带pip3,以及很多模块。下载地址:https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/。 完成安装后,默认python和pip都安装成功了。
C:\Users\Administrator>python -V Python 3.9.0 C:\Users\Administrator>pip -V pip 20.2.3 from c:\users\administrator\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages\pip (python 3.9)
C:\Users\Administrator>pip install fabric Collecting fabric Downloading fabric-2.5.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (51 kB) |████████████████████████████████| 51 kB 145 kB/s Collecting paramiko>=2.4 Downloading paramiko-2.7.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (206 kB) |████████████████████████████████| 206 kB 547 kB/s Collecting invoke<2.0,>=1.3 Downloading invoke-1.4.1-py3-none-any.whl (210 kB) |████████████████████████████████| 210 kB 2.2 MB/s Collecting pynacl>=1.0.1 Downloading PyNaCl-1.4.0-cp35-abi3-win_amd64.whl (206 kB) |████████████████████████████████| 206 kB 3.3 MB/s Collecting bcrypt>=3.1.3 Downloading bcrypt-3.2.0-cp36-abi3-win_amd64.whl (28 kB) Collecting cryptography>=2.5 Downloading cryptography-3.3.1-cp36-abi3-win_amd64.whl (1.5 MB) |████████████████████████████████| 1.5 MB 3.3 MB/s Collecting cffi>=1.4.1 Downloading cffi-1.14.4-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl (179 kB) |████████████████████████████████| 179 kB 6.4 MB/s Collecting six Downloading six-1.15.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (10 kB) Collecting pycparser Downloading pycparser-2.20-py2.py3-none-any.whl (112 kB) |████████████████████████████████| 112 kB 3.3 MB/s Installing collected packages: pycparser, cffi, six, pynacl, bcrypt, cryptography, paramiko, invoke, fabric Successfully installed bcrypt-3.2.0 cffi-1.14.4 cryptography-3.3.1 fabric-2.5.0 invoke-1.4.1 paramiko-2.7.2 pycparser-2.20 pynacl-1.4.0 six-1.15.0 WARNING: You are using pip version 20.2.3; however, version 20.3.1 is available. You should consider upgrading via the 'c:\users\administrator\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
C:\Users\Administrator>pip freeze >requirements.txt C:\Users\Administrator>type requirements.txt bcrypt==3.2.0 cffi==1.14.4 cryptography==3.3.1 fabric==2.5.0 invoke==1.4.1 paramiko==2.7.2 pycparser==2.20 PyNaCl==1.4.0 six==1.15.0
直接通过git clone或从GitHub网站下载所有源码到本地任意目录,建议放在英文目录下。
下载地址:https://github.com/wanggaoxiong/one-click-massive-migration/ -
在下载下来的源码中找到名为“Cloudendure_Account_Info.csv”的csv文件,输入前面注册的CloudEndure帐号信息,以及建立的(迁移)项目名称,保持退出。注意,不要修改csv文件名。CE_User_Name CE_Password CE_Project_Name 输入Cloudendure帐号用户名 输入Cloudendure帐号密码 输入创建的Cloudendure迁移项目名称 -
请参考下表格式填写:Login_IP Login_port User_Name Password Key_Path 源服务器IP信息:输入可被客户端访问的公有或私有IP地址 访问源服务器端口信息:默认22,可不写,如果是自定义的其他端口请输入。需要注意安全组或防火墙 源服务器用户名:输入登录用户名 源服务器密码:输入登录密码,如没有可不写 源服务器登录秘钥:输入登录源服务器秘钥路径,如通过密码可登录,可以不写。注意在Windows环境下路径“\”需要使用转义“\\”或“/”代替 68.79.47.* 22 centos P@ss0rd C:/Users/Administrator/migration-test/*.pem --- --- --- --- --- -
执行批量迁移前,提前检查好相关环境,避免出现agent安装不上,ENA以及Nvme驱动安装,甚至防火墙阻止agent与CloudEndure Manager Service通信等问题。
源服务器的操作系统内核与内核开发包版本要求匹配,如果不一致,请提前下载好匹配的内核开发包版本文件,放在同一目录下,通过修改“one-click-massive-migration.py”脚本,增加conn.put('','')来实现批量文件推送,通过conn.run('command action')执行自动远程批量安装操作。需要安装其他文件,操作类似。 -
# coding: utf-8 import csv import sys import os import threading import time import fabric from fabric import Connection, task local_script_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) port = 22 def migration(servers_login): print ("launthing thread...") for i in servers_login.keys(): if str(i) == 'Password': passw= servers_login[i] elif str(i) == 'Login_IP': host= servers_login[i] elif str(i) == 'User_Name': user= servers_login[i] elif str(i) == 'Key_Path': key_filename= servers_login[i] elif str(i) == 'Login_Port': port = servers_login[i] else: print ("load source servers info, failed") print ("Import the source servers information, Finished") print ("start the multi thread migration service...\n") conn = fabric.Connection(host = host, user= user, port=port, connect_kwargs={"key_filename": key_filename, "password":passw}) conn.run('mkdir -p /tmp/temp_CE') conn.put(local_script_path+'/aws_model', '/tmp/temp_CE/aws_model') conn.put(local_script_path+'/aws-instances.csv', '/tmp/temp_CE/aws-instances.csv') conn.put(local_script_path+'/vlookup.sh', '/tmp/temp_CE/vlookup.sh') conn.put(local_script_path+'/get-source-instance-type-2.py', '/tmp/temp_CE/get-source-instance-type.py') conn.put(local_script_path+'/get-CPU-MEM.sh', '/tmp/temp_CE/get-CPU-MEM.sh') conn.put(local_script_path+'/deletion_duplication.py', '/tmp/temp_CE/deletion_duplication.py') conn.put(local_script_path+'/CloudEndure.py', '/tmp/temp_CE/CloudEndure.py') conn.put(local_script_path+'/Cloudendure_Account_Info.csv', '/tmp/temp_CE/Cloudendure_Account_Info.csv') conn.put(local_script_path+'/CE_Account.py', '/tmp/temp_CE/CE_Account.py') conn.run("sudo python /tmp/temp_CE/get-source-instance-type.py $(. /tmp/temp_CE/get-CPU-MEM.sh)") conn.run("sudo python /tmp/temp_CE/deletion_duplication.py") conn.run("sudo sh /tmp/temp_CE/vlookup.sh /tmp/temp_CE/aws_model /tmp/temp_CE/b /tmp/temp_CE/c") conn.run("cat /tmp/temp_CE/c|sed -n 1p |cut -d \"'\" -f 8-8 > /tmp/temp_CE/d") conn.run("sudo python /tmp/temp_CE/CloudEndure.py $(sudo python /tmp/temp_CE/CE_Account.py)") conn.close() with open(local_script_path+"/Source_Servers_Info.csv",'r') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) fieldnames = next(reader) csv_reader = csv.DictReader(f,fieldnames=fieldnames) j=0 for row in csv_reader: j=j+1 print ("\nReady for migration %d Servers from your source environment totally... \n" %j) f.close() source_servers = [] with open(local_script_path+"/Source_Servers_Info.csv",'r') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) fieldnames = next(reader) csv_reader = csv.DictReader(f,fieldnames=fieldnames) for row in csv_reader: server = threading.Thread(target=migration, args=(row,)) source_servers.append(server) f.close() for server in source_servers: server.start() for server in source_servers: server.join()
"one-click-massive-migration.py" :
# ================================================================================================= # CloudEndure API full documentation can be found here - https://console.cloudendure.com/api_doc/apis.html#
# usage: CloudEndure_One_Click_Migration.py -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -n HOSTNAME -j PROJECT_NAME
# Arguments:
# -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME # user name for the CloudEndure account # -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD # password for the CloudEndure account # -n HOSTNAME, --agentname HOSTNAME # hostname of instance to migrate # -j PROJECT, --project PROJECT_NAME # CloudEndure's project name # Required inputs: CloudEndure username and password, target server name
# Outputs: Will print to console the entire process: # 1. CloudEndure Agent installation on the target server. # 2. Blueprint settings. # 3. Replication progress. # 4. Target server launch progress. # =================================================================================================
import requests import os import time import argparse import json import requests.packages.urllib3 requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings()
HOST = 'https://console.awscloudendure.cn' input_file = '/tmp/temp_CE/d'
with open(input_file, 'r') as f_type: lines=f_type.readlines() for line in lines: line = line.strip() print line INSTANCE_TYPE = line f_type.close()
#INSTANCE_TYPE = "c5.large" SUBNET = 'subnet-xxxxxx' SG = 'sg-xxxxxx'
WIN_FOLDER = "c:\temp" LINUX_FOLDER = "/tmp"
################################################################################################### def main():
# This is the main function, call the other functions to do the following: # 1. CloudEndure Agent installation on the target server. # 2. Blueprint settings. # 3. Replication progress. # 4. Target server launch progress.
# Returns: nothing - will always exit
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', required=True, help='User name') parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', required=True, help='Password') parser.add_argument('-j', '--project', required=True, help='Project name') parser.add_argument('-n', '--agentname', required=True, help='Name of server') args = parser.parse_args() installation_token = get_token(args) if installation_token == -1: print "Failed to retrieve project installation token" return -1 machine_id, project_id = install_agent(args, installation_token) # Check if we were able to fetch the machine id if machine_id == -1: print "Failed to retrieve machine id" return -1 # Check replication status, set blueprint while waiting for it to complete wait_for_replication(args, machine_id, project_id) # Setting the blueprint. Failing to do so won't fail the entire process if set_blueprint(args, machine_id, project_id) == -1: print "Failed to set blueprint" # Launch the target instance on the cloud launch_target_machine(args, machine_id, project_id)
################################################################################################### def get_token(args):
# This function fetch the project installation token # Usage: get_token(args) # 'args' is script user input (args.user, args.password, args.agentname) # # Returns: -1 on failure
print "Fetching the installation token..." session, resp, endpoint = login(args) if session == -1: print "Failed to login" return -1 project_name = args.project projects_resp = session.get(url=HOST+endpoint+'projects') projects = json.loads(projects_resp.content)['items'] project = [p for p in projects if project_name==p['name']] if not project: print 'Error! No project with name ' + args.project+ ' found' return -1 return project[0]['agentInstallationToken']
def install_agent(args, installation_token):
# This function makes the HTTPS call out to the CloudEndure API and waits for the replication to complete # # Usage: wait_for_replicaiton(args, machine_id, project_id) # 'args' is script user input (args.user, args.password, args.agentname, args.project) # # # Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
# Check if it's a windows or not if os.name == 'nt': # Make sure the temp folder exitts, the installer will run from it if not os.path.exists(WIN_FOLDER): os.mkdir(WIN_FOLDER) os.chdir(WIN_FOLDER) fname = 'installer_win.exe' cmd = 'echo | ' +fname + ' -t ' + installation_token + ' --no-prompt' else: os.chdir(LINUX_FOLDER) fname = 'installer_linux.py' cmd = 'sudo python ' +fname + ' -t ' + installation_token + ' --no-prompt' url = HOST + '/' + fname request = requests.get(url) open(fname , 'wb').write(request.content) ret = os.system(cmd) # Return value of agent installer should be 0 if succeded if ret != 0: print "Failed installing CloudEndure agent" return -1, -1 session, resp, endpoint= login(args) if session == -1: print "Failed to login" return -1, -1 # Fetch the CloudEndure project ID in order to locate the machine itself projects_resp = session.get(url=HOST+endpoint+'projects') projects = json.loads(projects_resp.content)['items'] project_id = None machine_id = None # Fetch the CloudEndure machine ID in order monitor the replication progress and launch the target server print 'Getting machine id...' for project in projects: project_id = project['id'] machines_resp = session.get(url=HOST+endpoint+'projects/'+project_id+'/machines') machines = json.loads(machines_resp.content)['items'] machine_id = [m['id'] for m in machines if args.agentname.lower() == m['sourceProperties']['name'].lower()] if machine_id: break if not machine_id: print 'Error! No agent with name ' + args.agentname+ ' found' return -1, -1 return machine_id[0].encode('ascii','ignore'), project_id
################################################################################################### def wait_for_replication(args, machine_id, project_id):
# This function makes the HTTPS call out to the CloudEndure API multiple times until replication to complete. # Once it's done, the function will call set_blueprint in order to apply the blueprint settings before # launching the target server. # # Usage: wait_for_replicaiton(args, machine_id, project_id) # 'args' is script user input (args.user, args.password, args.agentname) # 'machine_id' is the CloudEndure replicatin machine ID # 'project_id' is the CloudEndure project ID # # Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
# Looping until replication completes print "Waiting for Replication to complete" while True: session, resp, endpoint = login(args) if session == -1: print "Failed to login" return -1 # Waiting for replication to start and the connection to establish while True: try: machine_resp = session.get(url=HOST+endpoint+'projects/'+project_id+'/machines/'+machine_id) replication_status = json.loads(machine_resp.content)['replicationStatus'] break except: print "Replication has not started. Waiting..." time.sleep(10) # Waiting for replication to start and the coneection to establish while replication_status != 'STARTED': print "Replication has not started. Waiting..." time.sleep(120) machine_resp = session.get(url=HOST+endpoint+'projects/'+project_id+'/machines/'+machine_id) replication_status = json.loads(machine_resp.content)['replicationStatus'] while True: try: replicated_storage_bytes = json.loads(machine_resp.content)['replicationInfo']['replicatedStorageBytes'] total_storage_bytes = json.loads(machine_resp.content)['replicationInfo']['totalStorageBytes'] break except: print "Replication has not started. Waiting..." time.sleep(60) machine_resp = session.get(url=HOST+endpoint+'projects/'+project_id+'/machines/'+machine_id) # Replication has started, looping until complete, printing progress while True: try: last_consistency = json.loads(machine_resp.content)['replicationInfo']['lastConsistencyDateTime'] backlog = json.loads(machine_resp.content)['replicationInfo']['backloggedStorageBytes'] if backlog == 0: print "Replication completed. Target machine is launchable!" return 0 else: print 'Replication is lagging. Backlog size is '+ str(backlog) time.sleep(30) except: if replicated_storage_bytes == total_storage_bytes: print "Finalizing initial sync. Waiting..." time.sleep(30) else: replicated_storage_bytes = json.loads(machine_resp.content)['replicationInfo']['replicatedStorageBytes'] total_storage_bytes = json.loads(machine_resp.content)['replicationInfo']['totalStorageBytes'] print 'Replicated '+ str(replicated_storage_bytes/1024/1024)+' MB out of '+str(total_storage_bytes/1024/1024)+' MB bytes' print "Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting..." time.sleep(60) machine_resp = session.get(url=HOST+endpoint+'projects/'+project_id+'/machines/'+machine_id)
def set_blueprint(args, machine_id, project_id):
# This function makes the HTTPS call out to the CloudEndure API to set the serve blueprint before launching it on Cloud # This function will set the instanceType, subnetID, and the securityGroupIDs. # # Usage: set_blueprint(args, machine_id, project_id) # 'args' is script user input (args.user, args.password, args.agentname) # 'machine_id' is the CloudEndure replicatin machine ID # 'project_id' is the CloudEndure project ID # # Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
print "Setting blueprint..." session, resp, endpoint = login(args) if session == -1: print "Failed to login" return -1 blueprints_resp = session.get(url=HOST+endpoint+'projects/'+project_id+'/blueprints') blueprints = json.loads(blueprints_resp.content)['items'] blueprint = [bp for bp in blueprints if machine_id==bp['machineId']] if len(blueprint) == 0: return -1 blueprint = blueprint[0] blueprint['instanceType']=INSTANCE_TYPE ###blueprint['subnetIDs']=[SUBNET] ###blueprint['securityGroupIDs']=[SG] blueprint['machineId']=machine_id resp = session.patch(url=HOST+endpoint+'projects/'+project_id+'/blueprints/'+blueprint['id'],data=json.dumps(blueprint)) if resp.status_code != 200: print 'Error setting blueprint!' print resp.status_code print resp.reason print resp.content return -1 print "Blueprint was set successfully" return 0
################################################################################################### def launch_target_machine(args, machine_id, project_id):
# This function makes the HTTPS call out to the CloudEndure API and launches the target server on the Cloud # # Usage: launch_target_machine(args, machine_id, project_id) # 'args' is script user input # 'machine_id' is the CloudEndure replicatin machine ID # 'project_id' is the CloudEndure project ID # # Returns: 0 on success
print "Launching target server" session, resp, endpoint = login(args) if session == -1: print "Failed to login" return -1 items = {'machineId': machine_id} resp = session.post(url=HOST+endpoint+'projects/'+project_id+'/launchMachines', data=json.dumps({'items': [items], 'launchType': 'TEST'})) if resp.status_code != 202: print 'Error creating target machine!' print 'Status code is: ', resp.status_code return -1 jobId = json.loads(resp.content)['id'] isPending = True log_index = 0 print "Waiting for job to finish..." while isPending: resp = session.get(url=HOST+endpoint+'projects/'+project_id+'/jobs/'+jobId) job_status = json.loads(resp.content)['status'] isPending = (job_status == 'STARTED') job_log = json.loads(resp.content)['log'] while log_index < len(job_log): if 'cleanup' not in job_log[log_index]['message']: if 'security group' not in job_log[log_index]['message']: print job_log[log_index]['message'] log_index += 1 time.sleep(5) print 'Target server creation completed!' return 0;
################################################################################################### def login(args):
# This function makes the HTTPS call out to the CloudEndure API to login using the credentilas provided # # Usage: login(args) # 'args' is script user input (args.user, args.password, args.agentname) # # Returns: -1 on failure # session, response, endpoint on success
endpoint = '/api/latest/' session = requests.Session() session.headers.update({'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'}) resp = session.post(url=HOST+endpoint+'login', data=json.dumps({'username': args.user, 'password': args.password})) if resp.status_code != 200 and resp.status_code != 307: print "Bad login credentials" return -1, -1, -1 #print 'Logged in successfully' # Check if need to use a different API entry point and redirect if resp.history: endpoint = '/' + '/'.join(resp.url.split('/')[3:-1]) + '/' resp = session.post(url=HOST+endpoint+'login', data=json.dumps({'username': args.user, 'password': args.password})) try: session.headers.update({'X-XSRF-TOKEN' : resp.cookies['XSRF-TOKEN']}) except: pass return session, resp, endpoint
################################################################################################### if name == 'main': main()
"CloudEndure.py" :
只需要打开CMD命令界面,输入一键迁移python脚本名称或执行“python 脚本文件名”即可。如下展示一次性迁移3台服务器为例,执行one-click-massive-migration.py脚本。C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\migration>one-click-massive-migration.py
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\migration>python one-click-massive-migration.py
Ready for migration 3 Servers from your source environment totally...
launthing thread... Import the source servers information, Finished start the multi thread migration service... launthing thread... launthing thread... Import the source servers information, Finished start the multi thread migration service...
Import the source servers information, Finished start the multi thread migration service...
{'vCPU-:-MEM(GB)': '2-:-4', 'Type': 't2.medium'} {'vCPU-:-MEM(GB)': '2-:-4', 'Type': 't3.medium'} {'vCPU-:-MEM(GB)': '2-:-4', 'Type': 't3a.medium'} {'vCPU-:-MEM(GB)': '2-:-4', 'Type': 'c5.large'} {'vCPU-:-MEM(GB)': '2-:-4', 'Type': 'c5d.large'} {'vCPU-:-MEM(GB)': '2-:-8', 'Type': 't2.large'} {'vCPU-:-MEM(GB)': '2-:-8', 'Type': 't3.large'} {'vCPU-:-MEM(GB)': '2-:-8', 'Type': 't3a.large'} {'vCPU-:-MEM(GB)': '2-:-8', 'Type': 'm4.large'} {'vCPU-:-MEM(GB)': '2-:-8', 'Type': 'm5.large'} {'vCPU-:-MEM(GB)': '2-:-8', 'Type': 'm5a.large'} {'vCPU-:-MEM(GB)': '2-:-8', 'Type': 'm5d.large'} r5 /tmp/temp_CE/b >> /tmp/temp_CE/c m5 /tmp/temp_CE/b >> /tmp/temp_CE/c c5 /tmp/temp_CE/b >> /tmp/temp_CE/c r5 /tmp/temp_CE/b >> /tmp/temp_CE/c m5 /tmp/temp_CE/b >> /tmp/temp_CE/c c5 /tmp/temp_CE/b >> /tmp/temp_CE/c {'vCPU-:-MEM(GB)': '1-:-1', 'Type': 't2.micro'} r5 /tmp/temp_CE/b >> /tmp/temp_CE/c m5 /tmp/temp_CE/b >> /tmp/temp_CE/c c5 /tmp/temp_CE/b >> /tmp/temp_CE/c Connecting to CloudEndure Console... Finished. Identifying disks for replication. Disk to replicate identified: /dev/nvme0n1 of size 8.0 GiB Connecting to CloudEndure Console... Finished. All disks for replication were successfully identified. Downloading CloudEndure Agent... Identifying disks for replication. Disk to replicate identified: /dev/nvme0n1 of size 8.0 GiB All disks for replication were successfully identified. Downloading CloudEndure Agent... Connecting to CloudEndure Console... Finished. Identifying disks for replication. Disk to replicate identified: /dev/xvda of size 8.0 GiB All disks for replication were successfully identified. Downloading CloudEndure Agent... Finished. Installing CloudEndure Agent... Finished. Installing CloudEndure Agent... Finished. Installing CloudEndure Agent... Finished. Adding the Source machine to CloudEndure Console... Finished. Finished. Adding the Source machine to CloudEndure Console... Finished. Instance ID: i-00be5cde391d70b9d. Installation finished successfully. The installation of the CloudEndure Agent has started. Running the Agent Installer for a 64 bit system... Instance ID: i-04b9ed09537c87a15. Installation finished successfully. The installation of the CloudEndure Agent has started. Running the Agent Installer for a 64 bit system... Finished. Adding the Source machine to CloudEndure Console... Finished. Instance ID: i-0ab08ea0081a58c12. Installation finished successfully. The installation of the CloudEndure Agent has started. Running the Agent Installer for a 64 bit system... t2.micro Fetching the installation token... Getting machine id... Waiting for Replication to complete Replication has not started. Waiting... Replication has not started. Waiting... Replicated 0 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 874 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 1537 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 2238 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 2960 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 3694 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 4494 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 5201 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 5919 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 6571 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 7235 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replication completed. Target machine is launchable! Setting blueprint... Blueprint was set successfully Launching target server Waiting for job to finish... Job started Started waiting for latest snapshot Finished waiting for latest snapshot Started machine conversions Finished machine conversions Started creating a replica for instance ip-172-31-43-5.cn-north-1.compute.internal Finished creating a replica for instance ip-172-31-43-5.cn-north-1.compute.internal Job finished Target server creation completed! c5.large Fetching the installation token... Getting machine id... Waiting for Replication to complete Replication has not started. Waiting... Replication has not started. Waiting... Replication has not started. Waiting... Replicated 0 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 882 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 1527 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 2238 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 2909 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 3600 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 4275 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 4994 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 5682 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 6416 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 7098 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replication completed. Target machine is launchable! Setting blueprint... Blueprint was set successfully Launching target server Waiting for job to finish... Job started Started waiting for latest snapshot Finished waiting for latest snapshot Started machine conversions Finished machine conversions Started creating a replica for instance ip-172-31-34-44.cn-north-1.compute.internal Finished creating a replica for instance ip-172-31-34-44.cn-north-1.compute.internal Job finished Target server creation completed! m5.large Fetching the installation token... Getting machine id... Waiting for Replication to complete Replication has not started. Waiting... Replicated 0 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 925 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 1601 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 2281 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 2998 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 3680 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 4359 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 5029 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 5656 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 6292 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 6961 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replicated 7623 MB out of 8192 MB bytes Will check again in 1 minutes. Waiting... Replication completed. Target machine is launchable! Setting blueprint... Blueprint was set successfully Launching target server Waiting for job to finish... Job started Started waiting for latest snapshot Finished waiting for latest snapshot Started machine conversions Finished machine conversions Started creating a replica for instance ip-172-31-36-101.cn-north-1.compute.internal Finished creating a replica for instance ip-172-31-36-101.cn-north-1.compute.internal Job finished Target server creation completed!