Official implementation of OV-DINO: Unified Open-Vocabulary Detection with Language-Aware Selective Fusion
Pinned issues
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#51 opened by hyyuan123 - 1
Online demo can‘t be reached
#50 opened by FantasticZihao - 1
Multi dataset training and ONNX model
#49 opened by yuzhengfa - 2
Finetune : Model Saving Issue
#48 opened by hyhcompetition - 3
How to train on heterogeneous datasets?
#45 opened by wwf1995 - 1
Online demo page can't be openned
#46 opened by YushengZhang - 3
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how to store result
#43 opened by LiaoZihZrong - 1
How is the CC1M dataset used in the code?
#44 opened by yuzhengfa - 3
deploy issues
#40 opened by KONGYOUYL - 8
Confused about differences between the process of demo(without SAM) and train
#41 opened by Cloud65000 - 2
ovdino+sam conda environment ,error, run:cd $root_dir/ovdino bash scripts/ \ projects/ovdino/configs/ \ ../inits/ovdino/ovdino_swint_ogc-coco50.2_lvismv40.1_lvis32.9.pth
#42 opened by U201311 - 7
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About the scalability of OV-DINO
#34 opened by kaijinz0228 - 1
Ask for different size of the checkpoint
#38 opened by Cloud65000 - 2
infer with different category_names
#39 opened by robinjoe93 - 3
Is there any guide for ONNX export ?
#16 opened by lxjhunan - 2
Curiosity about how to solve different labels towards same objects among different dataset.
#36 opened by Cloud65000 - 1
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Ask for the type of this algorithm
#33 opened by Cloud65000 - 1
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#29 opened by FelixZhang7 - 9
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ONNX model and onnx inference demo
#30 opened by chaos1992 - 11
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How to extract the region feature?
#25 opened by PeiwenSun2000 - 2
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Raise issue in English first, please!
#15 opened by wanghao9610 - 4
Tips for fine-tune
#26 opened by Fiorentinar - 19
ImportError: Cannot import 'detrex._C', therefore 'MultiScaleDeformableAttention' is not available. detrex is not compiled successfully, please build following the instructions!
#23 opened by SummerLam - 2
about prompt
#24 opened by leoxxxxxD - 3
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#14 opened by ericyq - 1
#22 opened by CachCheng - 2
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#18 opened by wpNZC - 1
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questions about implement and deploy details
#10 opened by math-yyj - 1
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Enter the classes to be detected, have bug
#11 opened by fujianhai - 1
请问有更大的Image Encoder预训练效果吗?
#9 opened by menghan1124 - 8
#8 opened by menghan1124 - 3
#6 opened by wangjingyu001 - 0
evaluation on custom
#7 opened by menghan1124 - 2
Fine-Tuning on Custom Dataset ERROR
#2 opened by menghan1124 - 2
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how to take image feature as prompt ?
#3 opened by Apm5