
This is a baseline sample of how to build your model as a docker image(in our case, with python3 and torch):

  1. Install docker on your server.

  2. Freeze your library dependencies into a requirements.txt file. We recommend using pipreqs rather than pip freeze because pipreqs gives you only the ones actually imported by this project(e.g. pipreqs /home/project/location).

  3. Modify your_main.py to make sure it can succefully run by taking three positional arguments: the path of adj.pkl file, the path of feature.npy file, and the path of your output(e.g. python your_main.py /data/adj.pkl /data/feature.npy /app/output.csv).

  4. Create a run.sh with one line: python3 your_main.py $1 $2 $3

  5. Create a Dockerfile (note the capital D), copy the following into it:

    FROM nvidia/cuda
    RUN apt-get update
    RUN apt-get -y install python3
    RUN apt-get -y install python3-pip
    RUN pip install --upgrade pip
    COPY . /app
    WORKDIR /app
    RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
    ENTRYPOINT ["bash","run.sh"]

    Here's a break down of what we have achieved in our dockerfile:

    FROM nvidia/cuda

    This is by far the simpliest way of setting up your docker with a base image comes with nvidia driver and CUDA support. The driver version is 440.33.01 and CUDA version is 11.0. If you have a specific version of driver and/or CUDA in your project, you have to find a way to install it from scrach.

    RUN apt-get update
    RUN apt-get -y install python3
    RUN apt-get -y install python3-pip
    RUN pip install --upgrade pip

    Unfortunately, nvidia/cuda doesn't come with any programming languages attached, so we have to install it here.

    COPY . /app
    WORKDIR /app

    Here we specify where to put all our files inside a docker container, and make that the default working directory.

    RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

    And then install all the library dependencies.

    ENTRYPOINT ["bash","run.sh"]

    Finally we specify an entrypoint which will be executed once the building process is done.

  6. Run "sudo docker build -t your_model_name:your_version" to build your image.

Submit your code

From now on, you have two ways of submitting your work. You can either:

  • Run "sudo docker save your_model_name:your_version | gzip > your_model_name.tar.gz" to compress your image into a tar.gz.


  • Compress your repo into a much smaller zip file, and leave the building process to us. (After being tested, of course.)

Either way, you can submit your result at https://biendata.xyz/competition/kddcup_2020_formal/final-submission/, and we will decide how to proceed by checking file extensions.

Good luck coding.