This folder contains all of the code required to create the GIP static file - ie, the file that handles all of the transformations between the geographic and Apex-magnetic field frames. It does not include the data itself.
The process consists of creating and running 2 programs:
The whole process is controlled by the script:
Here are the contents of "":
ifort -o apex2000_prog apex2000.f ! need to convert to your compiler
make ! Makefile to create apex_prog ! (again, need to convert to your compiler)
./apex2000_prog < input_date > outfile ! run apex_2000_prog using input_date as input
./apex_prog < input_date >> outfile ! run apex_prog using input_date as input
The first program, apex2000_prog creates an intermediate file "Apex_grid_data" which is roughly 31MB and produces a global grid based on the Apex coordinate system
The second program uses "Apex_grid_data" and creates the large file that is needed by GIP to define all of the flux-tubes and the transforms between the geographic grid and these tubes (in both directions). This program also uses the data file "tiegcm_defined_apex_heights" which is never edited.
The final output file is:
This is an ascii double-precision file of size 1.4GB
Note: once you have calculated the final file "GIP_apex_coords_etc.2000.0.format" - this is the only output file needed - ie, the intermediate file "Apex_grid_data" can be discarded..... it is not needed to run GIP.
Also: Within all of this there are several references to "2000" - this just reflects the fact that the year 2000 was used extensively when this was being built. The code will work for all dates from 1900 - 2000 - all you need to do to is to edit the file "input_date" - and then rename the output file accordingly. The whole system does not work for 2010 at this point - the underlying IGRF datasets need to be updated for it work with 2010 and beyond.... it might work for 2005 - but I'm not any case, it needs to be updated to cope with future dates.
So, to create files for 1975:
edit input_date run rename GIP_apex_coords_etc.2000.0.format -> GIP_apex_coords_etc.1975.0.format Then define this 1975 file in the GIP input as the correct static file.