Project 1: Permutation Generation

In this project, we research on the symmetry property of permutation generation algorithms, including Dictionary Order Method, Increasing Radix Method, Decreasing Radix Method and SJT Method.

Files Tree

  • main.cpp: main function of this program, generating all permutations given n and algorithm.

  • index2intermediate.cpp(.hpp): generate intermediate number given index.

  • intermediate2perm.cpp(.hpp): generate permutation given intermediate number, according to four algorithms

  • perm2next.cpp(.hpp): generate permutations sequentially (w/o intermediate number) by Dictionary Order Method and SJT Method.

  • timing.cpp(.hpp): analyse the cost of time of different algorithms and different n.


  • results

    • result1.png: permutations with n=3 generated by Dictionary Order Method

    • result2.png: permutations with n=3 generated by Dictionary Order Method with intermediate number

    • result3.png: permutations with n=3 generated by Increasing Radix Method

    • result4.png: permutations with n=3 generated by Symmetry-Inspired Increasing Radix Method

    • result5.png: permutations with n=3 generated by Decreasing Radix Method

    • result6.png: permutations with n=3 generated by Symmetry-Inspired Decreasing Radix Method

    • result7.png: permutations with n=3 generated by SJT Method

    • result8.png: permutations with n=3 generated by SJT Method with intermediate number


  • Run the executable file

  • Choose the algorithm

  • Input n

  • Get n! permutations generated by the specific algorithm and the runing time.

  • Example
