Pre-intubation SOFA Score for Predicting COVID-19 Mortality

Primary LanguageR

Pre-intubation SOFA Score for Predicting COVID-19 Mortality: External Validation using EHR from 86 U.S. Healthcare Systems to Appraise Current Ventilator Triage Algorithms

This repository contains R scripts used for generating results, figures, and tables published in the article "Pre-intubation SOFA Score for Predicting COVID-19 Mortality: External Validation using EHR from 86 U.S. Healthcare Systems to Appraise Current Ventilator Triage Algorithms" (https://journals.lww.com/ccmjournal/Abstract/9000/Preintubation_Sequential_Organ_Failure_Assessment.94969.aspx)

The main data collected from the study is not available at this time; therefore the R code is provided only to give a detailed record of how the main analyses were done, and without the data file that code cannot be run to recreate tables and figures in the manuscript.


Program and output folders contains R scripts and analysis results, respectively.

In the Program folder, R and Rmd files were named by either the table/figure number or by the analysis that was included in the code:

  1. DataClean_DataSplit.R contains R code to perform data cleaning and derivation/validation set splitting.

  2. MVdata_creation.R gives R code to create analysis-ready datasets for the primary and sensitivity analyses.

  3. Table 1 Patient Characteristics.Rmd contains Rmd code to generate Table 1

  4. Table 2_SupplementalTable1_Table3a_LogisticRegression&TreeModel_PrimaryAnalysis.Rmd contains Rmd code to perform the primary predction analysis using logisitc regression model and conditional classification tree model.

  5. Figure 2a 2b SuppFigure1 Calibration Belts + ROC curve analysis.Rmd contains code to construct calibration belts and to perform ROC curve analysis.

  6. SupplementalTable2a_3b_SensitivityAnalysisExcludeESRD.Rmd contains Rmd code for sensitivity analysis excluding patients with ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease).

  7. SupplementalTable2b_3c_SensitivityAnalysisExcludeESRD&CKD.Rmd contains Rmd code for another sensitivity analysis exluding patients with ESRD+CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease).

  8. SupplementalTable4a_4b_logisitcReg&TreeModel_ExcludeImputedZero.Rmd contains Rmd code for another sensitivity analysis excluding patients whose SOFA values got imputed as 0.

  9. SupplementalTable5_SuppFigure2.Rmd contains Rmd code for sensitivity analysis excluding patients who had an ICD-10 code for Operating Room (OR) or other procedural indications on the same day as intubation, as well as code to plot Supplemental Figure2.

  10. 2DHistogram Heatmap showing predicted prob of glm models.R includes R code to visualize predicted probability of Age and/or total SOFA generated from logistic regression models.

  11. ScatterShaded_colorPlot_BasedOnTree&Glm.R includes R code to visualize predicted performance of Age and total SOFA based on logistic regression models and conditional classification tree model.