
EtcdNet - .NET client library to access Etcd

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


EtcdNet is a .NET client library to access etcd (protocol V2), which is a distributed, consistent key-value store for shared configuration and service discovery.

  • Provides API for all key space operations
  • Support authentication & client-certificate
  • Support etcd cluster & failover
  • Lightweight & zero dependency on other assembly
  • Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP) API
  • Structured Exceptions
  • .NET Standard

Get Started


To install etcdnet, run the following command in the Package Manager Console of Visual Studio. Or you can search etcdnetv2 in NuGet

Install-Package etcdnetv2

Basic Usage

Instantiate EtcdClient class, then make the call.

using EtcdNet;

var options = new EtcdClientOpitions() {
    Urls = new string[] { "http://etcd0.em:2379" },
EtcdClient etcdClient = new EtcdClient(options);

string value = await etcdClient.GetNodeValueAsync("/some-key");

Here you can find detailed api doc for EtcdClient class. More examples can be found below.


EtcdClientOpitions allows to customize the EtcdClient.

EtcdClientOpitions options = new EtcdClientOpitions() {
    Urls = new string[] { "https://server1", "https://server2", "https://server3" },
    Username = "username",
    Password = "password",
    UseProxy = false,
    IgnoreCertificateError = true, 
    X509Certificate = new X509Certificate2(@"client.p12"),
    JsonDeserializer = new NewtonsoftJsonDeserializer(),
  • Urls If you are running a etcd cluster, more then one urls here.

  • Username & Password are required when etcd enables basic authentication

  • UseProxy controls if use system proxy.

  • IgnoreCertificateError ignores untrusted server SSL certificates. This is useful if you are using a self-signed SSL cert.

  • X509Certificate is required when etcd enabled client certification.

  • JsonDeserializer allows you to choose a different JSON deserializer. EtcdNet aims to avoid dependency on other 3rd-party assembly. Hence it takes use of the built-in DataContractJsonSerializer to deserialize JSON. This parameter allows you to use other JSON deserializer like Newtonsoft.Json or ServiceStack.Text.

class NewtonsoftJsonDeserializer : EtcdNet.IJsonDeserializer
    public T Deserialize<T>(string json)
        return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(json);

Thread Safety

The implementation of EtcdClient class is guaranteed to be thread-safe, which means the methods of the same instance can be called from different threads without synchronization.

Further, it is recommended to use only one EtcdClient instance to talk to the same etcd cluster. System.Net.Http.HttpClient class, which emits HTTP requests internally, uses its own connection pool, isolating its requests from requests executed by other HttpClient instances. Sharing the same EtcdClient instance helps to utilize features like HTTP pipelining.

Exception Handling

Each of the error code defined by etcd is mapped to an individual exception class.

  ├── EtcdCommonException
  |    ├─ KeyNotFound
  |    ├─ TestFailed
  |    ├─ NotFile
  |    ├─ NotDir
  |    ├─ NodeExist
  |    ├─ RootReadOnly
  |    └─ DirNotEmpty
  ├── EtcdPostFormException
  |    ├─ PrevValueRequired
  |    ├─ TTLNaN
  |    ├─ IndexNaN
  |    ├─ InvalidField
  |    └─ InvalidForm
  ├── EtcdRaftException
  |    ├─ RaftInternal
  |    └─ LeaderElect
  └── EtcdException
       ├─ WatcherCleared
       └─ EventIndexCleared

Hence you have the choice to handle a specific error, or a group errors.

try {
catch (EtcdCommonException.KeyNotFound) {
    // 100 error
catch (EtcdCommonException.NodeExist) {
    // 105 error
catch (EtcdCommonException) {
    // 100-199 errors
catch (EtcdGenericException) {
    // all etcd errors

Some methods which accept ignoreKeyNotFoundException parameter, allows you to ignore EtcdCommonException.KeyNotFound exception to make the code simpler.


Update by key

await etcdClient.SetNodeAsync(key, "value to be set");

Get a key

try {
    EtcdResponse resp = await etcdClient.GetNodeAsync(key);
catch(EtcdCommonException.KeyNotFound) {
    // key does not exist

Get a key (ignore key-not-found error)

EtcdResponse resp = await etcdClient.GetNodeAsync(key, ignoreKeyNotFoundException: true);

Get value by key

string value = await etcdClient.GetNodeValueAsync(key, ignoreKeyNotFoundException: true);

Create a new key

try {
    EtcdResponse resp = await etcdClient.CreateNodeAsync(key, value);
catch (EtcdCommonException.NodeExist) {
    // node already exists

Create a in-order key

etcdClient.CreateInOrderNodeAsync(key, value, ttl: 3);

Delete a key

try {
    EtcdResponse resp = await etcdClient.DeleteNodeAsync(key);
catch(EtcdCommonException.KeyNotFound) {
    // key does not exist

Delete a key (ignore key-not-found error)

await etcdClient.DeleteNodeAsync(key, ignoreKeyNotFoundException: true);

List child keys in order

try {
	EtcdResponse resp = await etcdClient.GetNodeAsync(key, recursive: true, sorted:true);
	if (resp.Node.Nodes != null) {
	    foreach (var node in resp.Node.Nodes)
	        // child node
catch (EtcdCommonException.KeyNotFound) {
    // key does not exist

Compare and Swap (by value)

string prevValue = ...;
try {
    EtcdResponse resp = await etcdClient.CompareAndSwapNodeAsync(key, prevValue, newValue);
catch (EtcdCommonException.KeyNotFound) {
    // key does not exist
catch (EtcdCommonException.TestFailed) {
    // supplied prevValue does not match

Compare and Swap (by index)

long prevIndex = ...;
try {
    EtcdResponse resp = await etcdClient.CompareAndSwapNodeAsync(key, prevIndex, newValue);
catch (EtcdCommonException.KeyNotFound) {
    // key does not exist
catch (EtcdCommonException.TestFailed) {
    // supplied prevIndex does not match

Compare and Delete (by value)

string prevValue = ...;
try {
    EtcdResponse resp = await etcdClient.CompareAndDeleteNodeAsync(key, prevValue);
catch (EtcdCommonException.KeyNotFound) {
    // key does not exist
catch (EtcdCommonException.TestFailed) {
    // supplied prevValue does not match

Compare and Delete (by index)

long prevIndex = ...;
try {
    EtcdResponse resp = await etcdClient.CompareAndDeleteNodeAsync(key, prevIndex);
catch (EtcdCommonException.KeyNotFound) {
    // key does not exist
catch (EtcdCommonException.TestFailed) {
    // supplied prevValue does not match

Keep key alive

async void KeepAlive()
    string key = "/my/key";
    string value = ...;
    const int ttl = 20; // seconds

    while (_running)
            await _etcdClient.SetNodeAsync(key, value, ttl: ttl);
            if (!_running) return;
            await Task.Delay(ttl / 2 * 1000);
        catch (EtcdGenericException ege)
            // etcd returns an error code
        catch (Exception ex)
            // a generic error

        if (!_running) return;
        // something went wrong, delay 1 second and try again
        await Task.Delay(1000);

Watch changes

async void WatchChanges()
	string key = "/my/key";
	long? waitIndex = null;
	EtcdResponse resp;
	while (_running)
			// when waitIndex is null, get it from the ModifiedIndex
			if( !waitIndex.HasValue )
				resp = await _etcdClient.GetNodeAsync( key, recursive: true);
				if( resp != null && resp.Node != null )
					waitIndex = resp.Node.ModifiedIndex + 1;

					// and also check the children
					if( resp.Node.Nodes != null )
						foreach( var child in resp.Node.Nodes )
							if (child.ModifiedIndex >= waitIndex.Value)
								waitIndex = child.ModifiedIndex + 1;

							// child node

			// watch the changes
			resp = await _etcdClient.WatchNodeAsync(key, recursive: true, waitIndex: waitIndex);
			if (resp != null && resp.Node != null)
				waitIndex = resp.Node.ModifiedIndex + 1;

				if (resp.Node.Key.StartsWith(key, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
						case EtcdResponse.ACTION_DELETE:
						case EtcdResponse.ACTION_EXPIRE:
						case EtcdResponse.ACTION_COMPARE_AND_DELETE:

						case EtcdResponse.ACTION_SET:
						case EtcdResponse.ACTION_CREATE:
						case EtcdResponse.ACTION_COMPARE_AND_SWAP:
			// time out, try again
		catch(EtcdException ee)
			// reset the waitIndex
			waitIndex = null;
		catch (EtcdGenericException ege)
			// etcd returns an error
		catch (Exception ex)
			// generic error

		if (!_running) return;
		// something went wrong, delay 1 second and try again
		await Task.Delay(1000);