ChordalGraph is an extension of the Julia package Graphs to handle chordal graphs.
To use ChordalGraph in Julia, run
pkg> add ChordalGraph
- Graphs
The command CheckChordal checks whether a graph G is chordal. If G is chordal, then flag=true and a perfect elimination ordering order is returned; otherwise, flag=false.
julia> flag,order = CheckChordal(G)
The command chordal_cliques! generates a chordal extension of G and enumerates all maximal cliques of the obtained graph.
julia> cliques,num_cliques,size_cliques = chordal_cliques!(G, method="MF", minimize=true)
method: MF (a chordal extension based on greedy minimal fill-in), MD (a chordal extension based on greedy minimal degree)
minimize: true (minimizing the obtained chordal extension), false (not minimizing the obtained chordal extension)
ChordalGraph: A Julia Package to Handle Chordal Graphs, Jie Wang, 2020.
author = {Jie Wang},
title = {ChordalGraph: A Julia Package to Handle Chordal Graphs},
year = 2020,
url = {}