
Behavior and physiology data for CueSetGo task



  CSG.MonkeyA :Main task in Monkey A
  CSG.MonkeyD :Main task in Monkey D
  CSG.Human   :Main task in Humans
  CSGrandom.Subject** : control task with probabilistic reward


  Time_sec: Go event time stamps, in second
  Tt_ms: target interval, in ms
  Tp_ms: production interval
  Hand: 1, Hand; 0, Eye trial type
  Long: 1, Long interval; 0, Short interval trial type
  Left: 1, Saccadic target at left visual field; 0, right
  Reward: [0, 1] amount of reward normalized to the maximium value.


unzip this file: SpikingData.zip

Two monkeys and three brain areas:
{ 'Acortex'; 'Dcortex'; 'Acaudate'; 'Dcaudate'; 'Athalamus'; 'Dthalamus'}


  Tp_sec: production interval in second
  Rew: reward or miss
  TrialCondition: e.g. 'ELr' means Eye, Long, saccade target on the right
  EventTime_sec : time stamps of the four events(Cue, Tar, Set, Go) in each trial
  neuron_spktime: spike time for individual neuron