searchable symmetric encryption

Primary LanguagePython


Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption Based on Graph Database

This project is an implementation of Dynamic SSE. We use keyword balanced binary tree to keep efficency in keyword searching. There are several verions for our project. We firstly finish a simple memory version then we transplant the algorthims to graph database(neo4j). You can check our competition report here where we give detailed algorthims, implementations and tests.

SSE: Memory Version

Memory Version doesn't mean loss of infomation when power is off. We use sqlite3 and tmp file to keep information (both tree and ciphers) persistent. The scapegoat tree was implemented in c++, which is covered with c and called by python. (using ctypes module)


  • Python 2.7
  • Django 1.10
  • Django rest-framework 3

cd unauth_server/
g++ -o treeLib.so -shared -fPIC ciphertext/tree.cpp
python manage.py runserver []

Go to http://localhost:8000/ to check the API.

SSE: Neo4j Version

Compared with Memory Version, this version is implemented in neo4j database, which provides supports for parallel computing(query). The whole codes are in python/neo4j_v3 folders and tranplant scapegoat tree into graph database, which guarantees high stability, efficiency and scalability. You can deploy this API by following steps.


  • Python 2.7
  • Neo4j 3.0+
  • Django 1.10+
  • Django rest-framework 3
  • neomodel / django-neomodel
  • corsheaders (support for JSONP)
  • sslserver (support for https)

Tips: You can install these packages using pip. To prevent conflicts, you'd better use virtual environment by installing virtualenv and virtualenv-wrapper. You can download neo4j from offical website.

pip install virtualenv
pip install virtualenvwrapper
...(After a series of settings)
pip install django1.11
pip install restframework
pip install corsheaders
pip install neomodel
pip install django-neomodel
pip install sslserver

After Installation

~/neo4j-3.2.0/bin/neo4j start
cd SJTU-SSE/python/neo4j_v3
python manager.py runserver ([8000])

If you want to support https, you can replace the last command into

python manage.py runsslserver --certificate [path to ssl-certificate] --key [path to ssl-key][8000]

Go to http://localhost:8000/ to check the API. You can also visit http://localhost:7474/ to look through neo4j web browser where you can have a look at scapegoat tree in graph database.

Illustration for API

We have deployed the service on

  • Api-Root :   GET    (/)
  • Ciphers :   GET, POST    (/ciphertext)
  • Details :   GET, DELETE, PUT    (/ciphertext/id)
  • Querys :   GET    (/ciphertext/?key=3|5|7-2|1|8)

When you search files that include some keys such as A, B and C and do not include some keys such as C, D and E, you should send GET http request to|B|C-D|E|F where A~F are non-negative numbers.

Screenshots for API

SSE: Neo4j Many to Many API

We also implement many-to-many SSE in neo4j database. The environments and commands are similar to Neo4j Tree Version and the whole codes can be found python/neo4j_v2 folder in this repo. This API also supports create, delete, update, retrieve and search files. After deployment, you can also go to port 8000 and 7474 to check API and graph.

SSE: Neo4j with Django Demo (modified this repo)


Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/wangjksjtu/SJTU-SSE.git
cd python/neo4j_v1

Create virtualenv inside the repository and activate it:

mkvirtualenv django_neo4j

Install the packages that you need.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Start neo4j server.

cd ~/neo4j-3.2.0/bin
./neo4j start

After Neo4j is started

Go to http://localhost:7474 in your favorite browser and update the default password.

Copy the Cypher statements below and paste it in the query window at the top:

CREATE (c0:Ciphertext {name:'C0', content:'Welcome to Cyberspace Security College'})
CREATE (c1:Ciphertext {name:'C1', content:'We should apply CNN in Password Cracking'})
CREATE (c2:Ciphertext {name:'C2', content:'Cyberspace Security may be soloved by Deep learning methods'})
CREATE (c3:Ciphertext {name:'C3', content:'Password Guessing is a hot problem in Information Security'})
CREATE (c4:Ciphertext {name:'C4', content:'We should combine CNN, Password, Security, Cyberspace and Deep learning together'})
CREATE (c5:Ciphertext {name:'C5', content:'This is a sentence without keywords'})

CREATE (k1:Key {name:'K1', key:'Cyberspace'})
CREATE (k2:Key {name:'K2', key:'Password'})
CREATE (k3:Key {name:'K3', key:'Security'})
CREATE (k4:Key {name:'K4', key:'Deep learning'})
CREATE (k5:Key {name:'K5', key:'CNN'})


Edit the settings.py file and change NEO4J_PASSWORD to the one you previously set in the neo4j web frontend.

vim SJTU_SSE_v2/settings.py

After editing settings.py, issue the following commands:

python manage.py migrate
python manage.py bootstrap
python manage.py runserver

You can visit this repo for more infomation. Go to http://localhost:8000/ to check the demo.

Screenshots for Demo