
Wallet CLI

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

wallet-cli Build Status

Wallet CLI

Download wallet-cli

git clone https://github.com/tronprotocol/wallet-cli.git

Edit config.conf in src/main/resources

net {
 type = mainnet
 #type = testnet 

fullnode = {
  ip.list = [
    "fullnode ip : port"

soliditynode = {
  ip.list = [
    "solidity ip : port"
}//note: solidity node is optional

Build and run wallet-cli by command line

Create a new command line terminal window.

cd wallet-cli  
./gradlew build      
./gradlew run

Build and run web wallet

cd wallet-cli  
./gradlew build
cd build/libs
java -jar wallet-cli.jar

How wallet-cli connects to java-tron :

Wallet-cli connect to java-tron by grpc protocol.
Java-tron nodes can be deployed locally or remotely.
We can set the connected java-tron node IP in config.conf of wallet-cli.

Wallet-cli supported command list:

RegisterWallet Password Register a wallet in local. Generate a pair of ecc keys. Derive a AES Key by password and then use the AES algorithm to encrypt and save the private key. The account address is calculated by the public key sha3-256, and taking the last 20 bytes. All subsequent operations that require the use of a private key must enter the password.

FreezeBalance UnfreezeBalance WithdrawBalance Listaccounts
Getblock UpdateAccount  Exit or Quit

Input any one of them, you will get more tips.

How to freeze/unfreeze balance

After the funds are frozen, the corresponding number of shares and bandwidth will be obtained. Shares can be used for voting and bandwidth can be used for trading. The rules for the use and calculation of share and bandwidth are described later in this article.

Freeze operation is as follows:

freezeBalance amount time energy/bandwidth address

amount:The amount of frozen funds,the unit is drop. The minimum value is 1000000 drop(1TRX).

time:Freeze time, this value is currently only allowed for 3 days

For example:

freezeBalance 100000000 3 1 address

After the freeze operation,frozen funds will be transferred from Account Balance to Frozen, You can view frozen funds from your account information. After being unfrozen, it is transferred back to Balance by Frozen, and the frozen funds cannot be used for trading.

When more share or bandwidth is needed temporarily, additional funds may be frozen to obtain additional share and bandwidth. The unfrozen time is postponed until 3 days after the last freeze operation

After the freezing time expires, funds can be unfroze.

Unfreeze operation is as follows:

unfreezebalance password 

How to vote

Voting requires share. Share can be obtained by freezing funds.

  • The share calculation method is: 1 unit of share can be obtained for every 1TRX frozen.
  • After unfreezing, previous vote will expire. You can avoid the invalidation of the vote by re-freezing and voting.

Note: The Tron Network only records the status of your last vote, which means that each of your votes will cover all previous voting results.

For example:

freezeBalance 100000000 3 1 address  // Freeze 10TRX and acquire 10 units of shares

votewitness 123455 witness1 4 witness2 6   // Cast 4 votes for witness1 and 6 votes for witness2 at the same time.

votewitness 123455 witness1 10   // Voted 10 votes for witness1.

The final result of the above command was 10 votes for witness1 and 0 votes for witness2.

How to calculate bandwidth

The bandwidth calculation rule is:

constant * FrozenFunds * days

Assuming freeze 1TRX(1_000_000 DROP),3 days,bandwidth obtained = 1* 1_000_000 * 3 = 3_000_000.

Any contract needs to consume bandwidth, including transfer, transfer of assets, voting, freezing, etc. The query does not consume bandwidth, and each contract needs to consume 100_000 bandwidth.

If the previous contract exceeds a certain time (10s), this operation does not consume bandwidth.

When the unfreezing operation occurs, the bandwidth is not cleared. The next time the freeze is performed, the newly added bandwidth is accumulated.

How to withdraw balance

After each block is produced, the block award is sent to the account's allowance, and an withdraw operation is allowed every 24 hours from allowance to balance. The funds in allowance cannot be locked or traded.

How to create witness

Applying to become a witness account needs to consume 100_000TRX. This part of the funds will be burned directly.

How to create account

It is not allowed to create accounts directly. You can only create accounts by transferring funds to non-existing accounts. Transfer to a non-existent account with a minimum transfer amount of 1TRX.

Command line operation flow example

cd wallet-cli
./gradlew build
./gradlew run
RegisterWallet 123456 (password = 123456)
login 123456
getAddress (Print 'address = f286522619d962e6f93235ca27b2cb67a9e5c27b', backup it)
BackupWallet 123456 (Print 'priKey = 22be575f19b9ac6e94c7646a19a4c89e06fe99e2c054bd242c0af2b6282a65e9', backup it) (BackupWallet2Base64 option)
getbalance (Print 'Balance = 0')


assetIssue 123456 testAssetIssue00001 10000000000000000 1 100 2018-4-1 2018-4-30 1 just-test https://github.com/tronprotocol/wallet-cli/
getaccount f286522619d962e6f93235ca27b2cb67a9e5c27b
(Print balance: 9999900000
asset {
key: "testAssetIssue00001"
value: 10000000000000000
(cost trx 1000 trx for assetIssue)
(You can query the trx balance and other asset balances for any account )
TransferAsset 123456 649DDB4AB82D558AD6809C7AB2BA43D1D1054B3F testAssetIssue00001 10000

How to issue TRC10 tokens

Each account can only issue one TRC10 token.
a. Issue TRC10 tokens
AssetIssue AssetName TotalSupply TrxNum AssetNum Precision StartDate EndDate Description Url FreeNetLimitPerAccount PublicFreeNetLimit FrozenAmount0 FrozenDays0 ... FrozenAmountN FrozenDaysN
AssetName: The name of the issued TRC10 token
TotalSupply: Total issuing amount = account balance of the issuer at the time of issuance + all the frozen amount, before asset transfer and the issuance.
TrxNum,AssetNum: these two parameters determine the exchange rate between the issued token and the minimum unit of TRX (sun) when the token is issued.
FreeNetLimitPerAccount: The maximum amount of bandwidth an account is allowed to use. Token issuers can freeze TRX to obtain bandwidth (TransferAssetContract only)
PublicFreeNetLimit: The maximum amount of bandwidth issuing accounts are allowed user. Token issuers can freeze REX to obtain bandwidth (TransferAssetContract only).
StartDate,EndDate: The start and end date of token issuance. Within this period time, other users can participate in token issuance.
FrozenAmount0 FrozenDays0: Amount and time of token freeze. FrozenAmount0 must be bigger than 0, FrozenDays0 must be bigger than 1 and smaller than 3653.
AssetIssue TestTRX 100000 1 1 2 "2019-04-04 11:48:00" "2019-04-05" "just for test" www.test.com 100 100000 10000 10 10000 1
View published information:
GetAssetIssueByAccount TRGhNNfnmgLegT4zHNjEqDSADjgmnHvubJ
11:50:02.688 INFO [main] [Client](Client.java: 361)
assetIssue 0 :::
Id: 1000001
Owner_address: TRGhNNfnmgLegT4zHNjEqDSADjgmnHvubJ
Name: TestTRX
Order: 0
Total_supply: 100000
Trx_num: 1
Num: 1
Precision 2
Start_time: Thu Apr 04 11:48:00 CST 2019
End_time: Fri Apr 05 00:00:00 CST 2019
Vote_score: 0
Description: just for test
Url: www.test.com
Free asset net limit: 100
Public free asset net limit: 100000
Public free asset net usage: 0
Public latest free net time: 0
Amount: 10000
Frozen_days: 1
Amount: 10000
Frozen_days: 10

b. Update parameters of TRC10 token
UpdateAsset FreeNetLimitPerAccount PublicFreeNetLimit Description Url
Specific meaning of the parameters is the same with that of AssetIssue
UpdateAsset 1000 1000000 "change description" www.changetest.com
View the modified information:
GetAssetIssueByAccount TRGhNNfnmgLegT4zHNjEqDSADjgmnHvubJ
11:52:16.677 INFO [main] [Client](Client.java: 361)
assetIssue 0 :::
Id: 1000001
Owner_address: TRGhNNfnmgLegT4zHNjEqDSADjgmnHvubJ
Name: TestTRX
Order: 0
Total_supply: 100000
Trx_num: 1
Num: 1
Precision 2
Start_time: Thu Apr 04 11:48:00 CST 2019
End_time: Fri Apr 05 00:00:00 CST 2019
Vote_score: 0
description: change description
url: www.changetest.com
Free asset net limit: 1000
public free asset net limit: 1000000
Public free asset net usage: 0
public latest free net time: 0
Amount: 10000
Frozen_days: 1
Amount: 10000
Frozen_days: 10

c. TRC10 transfer
TransferAsset ToAddress AssertName Amount
ToAddress: Address of the target account
AssertName: TRC10 id, 1000001 in the example
Amount: The number of TRC10 token to transfer
TransferAsset TN3zfjYUmMFK3ZsHSsrdJoNRtGkQmZLBLz 1000001 1000
View target account information after the transfer:
getaccount TN3zfjYUmMFK3ZsHSsrdJoNRtGkQmZLBLz
11:54:33.118 INFO [main] Client
address: TN3zfjYUmMFK3ZsHSsrdJoNRtGkQmZLBLz
id: 1000001
balance: 1000
latest_asset_operation_timeV2: null
free_asset_net_usageV2: 0

d. Participating in the issue of TRC10
ParticipateAssetIssue ToAddress AssetName Amount
ToAddress: Account address of Token 10 issuers
AssertName: TRC10 ID,1000001 in the example
Amount: The number of TRC10 token to transfers It must happen during the release of Token 10, otherwise an error may occur
ParticipateAssetIssue TRGhNNfnmgLegT4zHNjEqDSADjgmnHvubJ 1000001 1000
View remaining balance:
getaccount TJCnKsPa7y5okkXvQAidZBzqx3QyQ6sxMW
11:59:57.558 INFO [main] Client
address: TJCnKsPa7y5okkXvQAidZBzqx3QyQ6sxMW
id: 1000001
balance: 1000
latest_asset_operation_timeV2: null
free_asset_net_usageV2: 0

e. unfreeze TRC10 token
It must be unfrozen after the freezing period, unfreeze Token10, which has stopped being frozen.

f. Obtain information about Token 10
ListAssetIssue Obtain all of the published Token 10 information
GetAssetIssueByAccount Obtain Token10 information according to the issuing address
GetAssetIssueById Obtain Token10 Information based on ID
GetAssetIssueByName Obtain Token10 Information based on names
GetAssetIssueListByName Get list information on Token10 based on names

How to initiate a proposal

Any proposal-related operations, except for viewing operations, must be performed by committee members.
a. Initiate a proposal
createProposal id0 value0 ... idN valueN
id0: the serial number of the parameter. Every parameter of TRON network has a serial number. Go to "http://tronscan.org/#/sr/committee" to see the specifics
Value0: the modified value In the example, modification No.4 (modifying token issuance fee) costs 1000TRX as follows:
createProposal 4 1000
View initiated proposal:
12:20:50.288 INFO [main] Client
proposal 0 :::
id: 1
state: PENDING
createTime: 1554351564000
expirationTime: 1554616800000
parametersMap: {4=1000}
approvalsList: [
The corresponding id is 1

b. Approve/cancel the proposal
approveProposal id is_or_not_add_approval
id: ID of the initiated proposal, 1 in the example
is_or_not_add_approval: true for approve; false against
ApproveProposal 1 true in favor of the offer
ApproveProposal 1 false Cancel the approved proposal

c Cancel the created proposal
DeleteProposal proposal ID
proposalId ID of the initiated proposal, 1 in the example
The proposal must be canceled by the supernode that initiated the proposal
DeleteProposal 1

d Obtain proposal information
ListProposals Obtain initiated proposals
ListProposalsPaginated Use the paging mode to obtain the initiated proposal
GetProposal Obtain proposal information based on the proposal ID

How to trade on the exchange

The trading and price fluctuations of trading pairs are in accordance with the Bancor Agreement, which can be found in TRON's related documents.
a Create a trading pair
exchangeCreate first_token_id first_token_balance second_token_id second_token_balance
First_token_id, first_token_balance: ID and amount of the first token
second_token_id, second_token_balance: ID and amount of the second token
The ID is the ID of the issued TRC10 token. If it is TRX, the ID is "_", the amount must be greater than 0, and less than 1,000,000,000,000,000.
exchangeCreate 1000001 10000 _ 10000
Create trading pairs with the IDs of 1000001 and TRX, the amount is 10000 for both.

b Capital injection
exchangeInject exchange_id token_id quant
exchange_id: The ID of the transaction pair to be funded
token_id,quant: TokenId and quantity of capital injection
When conducting capital injection, depending on the amount of capital injection, the proportion of each token in the transaction pair is deducted from the account and added to the transaction pair. Depending on the difference in the balance of the transaction, the same amount of money for the same token is different.

c Transactions
exchangeTransaction exchange_id token_id quant expected
exchange_id: ID of the transaction pair
token_id, quant: The ID and quantity of tokens being exchanged, equivalent to selling
expected: Expected quantity of another token
The expected must be less than exchanged, otherwise, an error will be reported.
ExchangeTransaction 1 1000001 100 80
It is expected to acquire the 80 TRX by exchanging 1000001 from the transaction pair ID of 1, and the amount is 100 (equivalent to selling token10, the ID is 1000001, the amount is 100).

d Divestment
exchangeWithdraw exchange_id token_id quant
Exchange_id: The ID of the transaction pair to be divested
Token_id,quant: TokenId and quantity of divestment
When conducting divestment, depending on the amount of divestment, the proportion of each token in the transaction pair is deducted from the account and added to the transaction pair. Depending on the difference in the balance of the transaction, the same amount of money for the same token is different.

e Obtain information on trading pairs
ListExchanges lists trading pairs
ListexchangesPaginated List trading pairs by page

How to use the multi-signature feature of wallet-cli?

Multi-signature allows other users to access the account in order to better manage it. There are three types of accesses:
owner: access to the owner of account
active: access to other features of accounts, and access that authorizes a certain feature . Block production authorization is not included if it's for witness purposes.
witness: only for witness, block production authorization will be granted to one of the other users.

The rest of the users will be granted
Updateaccountpermission TRGhNNfnmgLegT4zHNjEqDSADjgmnHvubJ {"owner_permission":{"type":0, "permission_name":"owner","threshold":1,"keys":[{"address":"TRGhNNfnmgLegT4zHNjEqDSADjgmnHvubJ", "weight":1}]},"witness_permission":{"type":1,"permission_name":"owner","threshold":1, "keys":[{"address":"TRGhNNfnmgLegT4zHNjEqDSADjgmnHvubJ","weight":1}]}, "active_permissions":[{"type":2,"permission_name":"active12323","threshold":2, "operations":"7fff1fc0033e0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "keys":[{"address":"TNhXo1GbRNCuorvYu5JFWN3m2NYr9QQpVR","weight":1}, {"address":"TKwhcDup8L2PH5r6hxp5CQvQzZqJLmKvZP","weight":1}]}]}
The account TRGhNNfnmgLegT4zHNjEqDSADjgmnHvubJ gives the owner access to itself, active access to TNhXo1GbRNCuorvYu5JFWN3m2NYr9QQpVR and TKwhcDup8L2PH5r6hxp5CQvQzZqJLmKvZP. Active access will need signatures from both accounts in order to take effect.
If the account is not a witness, it's not necessary to set witness_permission, otherwise an error will occur.

Signed transaction
SendCoin TJCnKsPa7y5okkXvQAidZBzqx3QyQ6sxMW 10000000000000000
will show "Please confirm and input your permission id, if input y or Y means default 0, other non-numeric characters will cancell transaction."
This will require the transfer authorization of active access. Enter: 2
Then select accounts and put in local password, i.e. TNhXo1GbRNCuorvYu5JFWN3m2NYr9QQpVR needs a private key TNhXo1GbRNCuorvYu5JFWN3m2NYr9QQpVR to sign a transaction.
Select another account and enter the local password. i.e. TKwhcDup8L2PH5r6hxp5CQvQzZqJLmKvZP will need a private key of TKwhcDup8L2PH5r6hxp5CQvQzZqJLmKvZP to sign a transaction. The weight of each account is 1, threshold of access is 2. When the requirements are met, users will be notified with “Send 10000000000000000 drop to TJCnKsPa7y5okkXvQAidZBzqx3QyQ6sxMW successful !!”。
This is how multiple accounts user multi-signature when using the same cli.
Use the instruction addTransactionSign according to the obtained transaction hex string if signing at multiple cli. After signing, the users will need to broadcast final transactions manually.

Obtain weight information according to transaction
getTransactionSignWeight 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
The information displays as follows:
14:56:30.574 INFO [main] Client permission:
permission_type: Active
permission_id: 2
permission_name: active12323
threshold: 2
parent_id: 0
operations: 7fff1fc0033e0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
address: TNhXo1GbRNCuorvYu5JFWN3m2NYr9QQpVR
weight: 1
address: TKwhcDup8L2PH5r6hxp5CQvQzZqJLmKvZP
weight: 1
current_weight: 2
ref_block_bytes: 0318
ref_block_hash: 60e195d3609c8661
contract 0 :::
contract_type: TransferContract
owner_address: TRGhNNfnmgLegT4zHNjEqDSADjgmnHvubJ
to_address: TJCnKsPa7y5okkXvQAidZBzqx3QyQ6sxMW
amount: 10000000000000000

timestamp: Mon Apr 01 14:55:06 CST 2019
fee_limit: 0
signature 0 :c18ca91f1533ecdd83041eb0005683c4a39a2310ec60456b1f0075b4517443cf4f601a69788f001d4bc03872e892a5e25c618e38e7b81b8b1e69d07823625c2b01
signature 1 :3d61eb0f8868990cfa138b19878e607af957c37b51961d8be16168d7796675384e24043d121d01569895fcc7deb37648c59f538a8909115e64da167ff659c26101

Get signature information according to transactions
getTransactionApprovedList 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
14:57:37.807 INFO [main] Client result:
ref_block_bytes: 0318
ref_block_hash: 60e195d3609c8661
contract 0 :::
contract_type: TransferContract
owner_address: TRGhNNfnmgLegT4zHNjEqDSADjgmnHvubJ
to_address: TJCnKsPa7y5okkXvQAidZBzqx3QyQ6sxMW
amount: 10000000000000000

timestamp: Mon Apr 01 14:55:06 CST 2019
fee_limit: 0
signature 0 :c18ca91f1533ecdd83041eb0005683c4a39a2310ec60456b1f0075b4517443cf4f601a69788f001d4bc03872e892a5e25c618e38e7b81b8b1e69d07823625c2b01
signature 1 :3d61eb0f8868990cfa138b19878e607af957c37b51961d8be16168d7796675384e24043d121d01569895fcc7deb37648c59f538a8909115e64da167ff659c26101

How to use smart contracts

a deploy smart contracts
DeployContract contractName ABI byteCode constructor params isHex fee_limit consume_user_resource_percent origin_energy_limit value token_value token_id <library:address, library:address,...>
contractName: name of smart contract
ABI: Compile generated ABI code
byteCode: Compile generated byte code
constructor,params,isHex: Define the format of the bytecode,which determines the way to parse byteCode from parameters
fee_limit: Transaction allows for the most consumed TRX
consume_user_resource_percent: Percentage of user resource consumed, in the range [0, 100]
origin_energy_limit: The most amount of developer Energy consumed by trigger contract once
value: The amount of trx transferred to the contract account
token_value: Number of TRX10
token_id: TRX10 Id
deployContract normalcontract544 [{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"i","type":"uint256"}], "name":"findArgsByIndexTest","outputs":[{"name":"z","type":"uint256"}],"payable":false, "stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"}] 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 # # false 1000000000 75 50000 0 0 #
Get the result of the contract execution with the getTransactionInfoById command:
getTransactionInfoById 4978dc64ff746ca208e51780cce93237ee444f598b24d5e9ce0da885fb3a3eb9
14:13:40.627 INFO [main] Client txid:




b trigger smart contarct
TriggerContract contractAddress method args isHex fee_limit value token_value token_id
contractAddress: smart contarct address
method: The name of function and parameters, please refer to the example
args: Parameter value
isHex: The format of the parameters method and args,is hex string or not .
fee_limit: The most amount of trx allows for the consumption token_value: Number of TRX10
token_id: TRC10 id,If not, use ‘#’ instead
triggerContract TGdtALTPZ1FWQcc5MW7aK3o1ASaookkJxG findArgsByIndexTest(uint256) 0 false 1000000000 0 0 #
Get the result of the contract execution with the getTransactionInfoById command:
getTransactionInfoById 7d9c4e765ea53cf6749d8a89ac07d577141b93f83adc4015f0b266d8f5c2dec4
14:27:50.055 INFO [main] Client txid:


OriginEnergyUsage: 0 EnergyUsageTotal:


c get details of a smart contract
GetContract contractAddress
contractAddress: smart contarct address
GetContract TGdtALTPZ1FWQcc5MW7aK3o1ASaookkJxG
contract :entrys {
name: "findArgsByIndexTest"
inputs {
name: "i"
type: "uint256"
outputs {
name: "z"
type: "uint256"
type: Function
stateMutability: Nonpayable

contract owner:TRGhNNfnmgLegT4zHNjEqDSADjgmnHvubJ
contract ConsumeUserResourcePercent:75
contract energy limit:50000

d update smart contract parameters
UpdateEnergyLimit contract_address energy_limit Update parameter energy_limit
UpdateSetting contract_address consume_user_resource_percent Update parameter consume_user_resource_percent

How to delegate resource

a delegate resource
The latter two parameters are optional parameters. If not set, the TRX is frozen to obtain resources for its own use; if it is not empty, the acquired resources are used by receiverAddress .
freezeBalance frozen_balance frozen_duration [ResourceCode:0 BANDWIDTH,1 ENERGY] [receiverAddress]
frozen_balance: The amount of frozen TRX, the unit is the smallest unit (sun), the minimum is 1000000sun
frozen_duration: frezen duration, 3 days
ResourceCode: 0 BANDWIDTH;1 ENERGY
receiverAddress: target account address

b unfreeze delegated resource
The latter two parameters are optional. If they are not set, the BANDWIDTH resource is unfreeze by default; when the receiverAddress is set, the delegate resources are unfreezed.
unfreezeBalance [ResourceCode:0 BANDWIDTH,1 CPU] [receiverAddress]

c get resource delegation information
getDelegatedResource fromAddress toAddress
get the information from the fromAddress to the toAddress resource delegate
getDelegatedResourceAccountIndex address
get the information that address is delegated to other account resources

Wallet related commands

RegisterWallet: Register your wallet, you need to set the wallet password and generate the address and private key.
BackupWallet: Back up your wallet, you need to enter your wallet password and export the private key.hex string format,such as:721d63b074f18d41c147e04c952ec93467777a30b6f16745bc47a8eae5076545
BackupWallet2Base64: Back up your wallet, you need to enter your wallet password and export the private key.base64 format,such as:ch1jsHTxjUHBR+BMlS7JNGd3ejC28WdFvEeo6uUHZUU=
ChangePassword: Modify the password of an account
ImportWallet: Import wallet, you need to set a password,hex String format
ImportWalletByBase64: Import wallet, you need to set a password,base64 fromat

Account related commands

GenerateAddress: Generate an address and print out the public and private keys
GetAccount: Get account information based on address
GetAccountNet: The usage of bandwidth
GetAccountResource: The usage of bandwidth and energy
GetAddress: Get the address of the current login account
GetBalance: Get the balance of the current login account

How to get transaction information

GetTransactionById: Get transaction information based on transaction id
GetTransactionCountByBlockNum: Get the number of transactions in the block based on the block height
GetTransactionInfoById: Get transaction-info based on transaction id,generally used to check the result of a smart contract trigger

How to get block information

GetBlock: Get the block according to the block number; if you do not pass the parameter, get the latest block
GetBlockById: Get block based on blockID
GetBlockByLatestNum n Get the latest n blocks, where 0< n < 100
GetBlockByLimitNext startBlockId endBlockId
Get the block in the range [startBlockId, endBlockId)

some others

GetNextMaintenanceTime: Get the start time of the next maintain period
ListNodes: Get other peer information
ListWitnesses: Get all miner node information
BroadcastTransaction: Broadcast the transaction, where the transaction is in hex string format.