
This project builds the IREE compiler for macOS and the IREE runtime for macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS

Primary LanguageShell

IREE for Apple Platforms

Run build.sh in this project to

  1. build the IREE compiler, runtime, and Python binding for macOS, and
  2. build the IREE runtime into an XCFramework bundle that supports macOS, iOS, and iOS simulator.

Do not run cmake with the CMakeLists.txt file unless you know how to set the many options.


  1. Mac
  2. Xcode, which includes
    1. python3 and pip3, and
    2. clang
  3. Homebrew
  4. CMake and Ninja
    brew install cmake ninja tree


Git-clone this repo and the IREE repo. Make sure that they are in the same directory. For example:

├── iree-for-apple-platforms
└── iree

Run ~/work/iree-for-apple-platforms/build.sh to build

  1. the IREE runtime into ~/work/iree-for-apple-platforms/build/runtime/iree.xcframework, and
  2. the IREE compiler, runtime, and Python binding for macOS in ~/work/iree-for-apple-platforms/build/compiler.

Run build.sh -f to force rebuild the IREE runtime XCFramework.

Run build.sh -r to force rebuild the IREE compiler and runtime.

Run build.sh -m to enable the Metal GPU support. As of Apr 20, 2023, the Metal GPU backend is in https://github.com/antiagainst/iree/tree/apple-metal-hal. It will be merged into the official repo soon.

Steps-by-step Guide

Clone this project.

mkdir ~/work/
cd ~/work
git clone <URL to this project>

Clone IREE.

cd ~/work
git clone --recursive https://github.com/openxla/iree

If you want Metal GPU support, you will need to clone https://github.com/antiagainst/ and use the branch apple-metal-hal.

cd ~/work/iree
git remote add lei https://github.com/antiagainst/iree
git fetch lei
git checkout metal-hal-pr
git submodule update

Build IREE compiler, runtime, and Python binding for macOS, and IREE runtime into an XCFramework.

cd ~/work/iree-for-apple-platform

Run the following commands to

  1. Set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to expose the dynamic library of IREE compiler.
  2. Set PATH environment variable and run iree-compile.
  3. Set PYTHONPATH environment variable to expose Python packages iree.compiler and iree.runtime.
source ./install.sh

Then, you should be able to run the IREE compiler from the command-line.

iree-compile -h

and you should be able to import iree.compiler and iree.runtime in Python.

python3 -c 'import iree.compiler; import iree.runtime'

Supported Apple Platforms

Apple devices run various operating systems, and each kind of device may have more than one CPU architecture. The built iree.xcframework supports the following platforms:

Apple Platform CPU architectures
macOS x86_64 and arm64
iOS arm64 and arm64e
iOS Simulator x86_64 and arm64

What Does This Project Do

Build IREE Compiler, Runtime, and Python Binding for macOS

This step uses the CMakeLists.txt file in the root directory of the IREE project.

Build IREE Runtime into iree.xcframework

This step uses the CMakeLists.txt file in this project. It includes the following steps:

  1. The IREE runtime is built by build.sh into a libiree.a library for each OS-CPU combo.
  2. For all CPU architectures of an OS, build.sh combines the libiree.a files into a single FAT libiree.a file.
  3. For each OS, build.sh puts the IREE runtime header files and this FAT libiree.a into a framework bundle, which is a bundle, or a directory structure, on the filesystem.
  4. For all frameworks for all of the above operating systems, build.sh combines the framework bundles into an XCFramework bundle.