
A simple plugin for nvim support Julia.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A simple plug-in for nvim support Julia.


  1. Julia REPLCompletion based completions.
  2. Eval code in current line or current block and get its result.
  3. Docstring generation. Support from AtsushiSakai/julia.vim
  4. Quick comment.


  • Julia 1.0+
  • Python3
  • Neovim


1. Install VimCompletion.jl

2. Install pynvim

3. Install this plug-in

Installation with Vim-Plug

Plug 'wangl-cc/juliatools-nvim', { 'do' : ':UpdateRemotePlugins' }


1. Completion

Because the official julia-vim plug-in uses the omnifunc as its complete method, this plug-in uses completefunc as complete method wich is used for Insert mode completion with CTRL-X CTRL-U.

2. Eval code

Like Juno this plug-in can send code to term split (open default, if you exit, completion and eval code would be disable then you should call Reconnect()) and eval it then display its result (not inline but by echo). There are two functions: JLRunLine and JLRunBlock to eval code in current line and current block. Map your own shortcut to use this feature.

3. Docstring generation

There is a function juliadocstring#JuliaDocstring being used to generate docstring. Map your own shortcut as above.

4. Quick comment

There is a function comment#Comment(julia_comment_symbol) being used to comment and remove comment. Map your own shortcut as above.

Example config

There are some configurations for using this plugin, which should be append to file ~/.vim/ftplugin/julia.vim for vim or ~/.config/nvim/ftplugin/julia.vim for nvim:

if !exists("g:julia_comment_symbol")
    let julia_comment_symbol = '#'

" key map
nnoremap <buffer> <leader>l :call JLRunLine()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <leader>b :call JLRunBlock()<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <leader>/ :call comment#Comment(julia_comment_symbol)<cr>
nnoremap <buffer> <leader>d :call juliadocstring#JuliaDocstring()<cr>

" autoclose
augroup JuliaAutoClose
    autocmd bufenter * if (winnr("$") == 1 && bufname("$") =~ "julia") | q | endif
augroup END