is a data reduction package for high-resolution Ă©chelle spectrographs.
It contains necessary subroutines in spectral reduction process, including
overscan correction, bias subtraction, order detection, flat-fielding
correction, background correction, and optimal extraction.
is based on Python 3.4 or later, and does not work in Python 2.x.
To use GAMSE
the following packages are required:
- Numpy 1.16.1 or later: A Python library for multi-dimensional arrays and mathematics.
- Scipy 0.17.0 or later: A Python library for scientific computing.
- Matplotlib 2.2.0 or later: To display and generate output figures.
- Astropy 3.1.1 or later: To read and write FITS files and ASCII tables.
To install GAMSE
package with pip
, simply use the following command:
sudo pip install gamse
Or alternatively, clone the whole repository with GIT:
git clone
Then run the setup script in the cloned directory:
sudo python3 install