
Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

ng-ssh 中文


The web version of ssh-client supports sftp to browse files.

Two versions of ng-ssh and ng-ssh-pro are provided for different scenarios.

The ng-ssh version can only be downloaded for current LAN users.

If you want to use it across networks, you can download ng-ssh-pro to provide network penetration.

ng-ssh usage documentation

Provides two startup methods: command line and gui interface.

Command mode start

Command description:

ng-ssh -h

  ng-ssh [flags]
  ng-ssh [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  version     Print the version number of auth_client

  -a, --address string    address to listen on (default "")
  -h, --help              help for ng-ssh
      --password string   password for verify whether you have permission to use ng-ssh, default(admin) (default "admin")
  -p, --port int          port to listen on (default 20019)
      --username string   username for verify whether you have permission to use ng-ssh, default(admin) (default "admin")


-p: Specify the port on which the service runs. The default is 20019.

--username, --password :Specify login account and password, both are admin by default.

After starting, access the service through the address: http://localhost:<port>.

gui start

Double-click ng-ssh-gui as shown below:

You can also change the login user, password and service port. Click the "Start" button to start the service, the interface will disappear after the service starts successfully. Login: http://localhost:<port> to access the service.

ng-ssh service usage

Visit: http://localhost:<port>, log in with account and password.

Add ssh configuration

Click the button below:

Fill in the configuration information:

Click on the ssh configuration created in the sidebar to open an ssh connection:

Access files via sftp

Click the button below to open sftp:

Click the corresponding ssh configuration in the sidebar to browse the corresponding files:

ng-ssh-pro usage document

To provide network penetration function, you need to register an account at www.wl119.club, and use the registered account to start ng-ssh-pro.

Provides two startup methods: command line and gui interface.

Command mode start

Command description:

ng-ssh-pro -h                 
 ng-ssh-pro [flags]          
 ng-ssh-pro [command]        

Available Commands:
 help        Help about any command
 version     Print the version number of auth_client

 -h, --help                    help for ng-ssh-pro
     --server-address string   server address, defalut: www.wl119.club:3443 (default "www.wl119.club:3443")
 -t, --token string            the token allocated by the system is obtained by logging in to the registered account websit

Use "ng-ssh-pro [command] --help" for more information about a command.


-t: Specify token information

To obtain the token, log in to www.wl119.club with a registered account, and you can see the token in the "User Information":

gui mode start

Double-click ng-ssh-pro-gui, as shown below:

Enter the registered account information, click "Login" to start ng-ssh-pro, the window disappears after the start is successful.

ng-ssh-pro service usage

Log in to www.wl119.club with the registered account, you can see the launched ng-ssh-pro, click it to jump to the ng-ssh interface.

The usage is the same as ng-ssh, please see "ng-ssh service usage".