
remote run shell command in iot devices

Primary LanguageRust


The backend of remote_shell is a P2P framework upd_hole_punching (https://github.com/wangmarkqi/udp_hole_punching). The use scenarios include iot device with no fixed ip, home computer behind local network, etc. with remote shell client side installed on slave machine, you can access from remote_shell host side like normal ssh process. avatar

How to use:

step 1: Start slave

To use remote shell, 2 kinds of binary are needed to be build, the salve and the host. This step is for slave side. Git clone remote_shell in slave machine and run slave::slave_dispatch::dispatch() in main.rs;

  let swap = "x.x.x.x:xxxx".to_string();
  slave::slave_entrance::dispatch("wq", &swap,"./data/slave");

step 2: Start host

This step is for host side. Git clone remote_shell in host machine and run host::shell::run_shell()

    let swap = "x.x.x.x:xxxx".to_string();

step 3: Stared with command "use"

First specify slave id by "use <slave id which from step 2>" and send command as normal shell,like "cd /home" etc.

Terminal operation:

You may find the common used key like del,arrow left,arrow right not working ,because remote_shell rewrite the terminal from raw mode. The shell operational keys include:

press key arrow up:

Back to last cmd input.

press key arrow down:

Go to next cmd input.

press key backspace:

Delete input char before.

press key Tab:

Complement input cmd based on history inputs.

press key Home:

Clear Terminal.

press key Esc:

Quit the shell.

The build_in function:

Besides standard commands,for example ls,pwd in linux or dir in win10, remote_shell provides following build_in commands.

use <slave_id>

This command will specify the slave you want to control.You should run step3 on slave pc and config the slave id in the .env file. This salve_id (use arg) should be same with id in the .env file.

example: use remote

send <local_file_path> <remote_file_path>

Send local file to remote. only small file works.

example: send C://test.txt /home/test.txt

rec <local_file_path> <remote_file_path>

Receive file from remote. only small file works.

example: rec C://test1.txt /home/test2.txt


Will restart remote computer.This command is sent by async message pub channel and act as the final rescue when shell crash. Pay attention to restart remote_shell automatically after system reboot.

example: restart