
Crowd-source questions for a meetup. Questioner helps the meetup organizer prioritize questions to be answered. Other users can vote on asked questions and they bubble to the top or bottom of the log.

Primary LanguagePython


Crowd-source questions for a meetup. Questioner helps the meetup organizer prioritize questions to be answered. Other users can vote on asked questions and they bubble to the top or bottom of the log.

Build Status Coverage Status Maintainability Codacy Badge

Api endpoints

Endpoint Functionality Route
POST /signup Register new user /api/v2/auth/signup
POST /login Login registered user /api/v2/auth/login
POST /reset Reset password /api/v2/auth/reset
POST /meetups* Create new meetup /api/v2/meetups
GET /meetups/meetup-id Fetch specific meetup record /api/v2/meetups/meetup-id
GET /meetups/upcoming Get all upcoming meetups /api/v2/meetups/upcoming
POST /meetups/meetup-id/questions Post a new question on a meetup /api/v2/meetups/meetup-id/questions
PATCH /questions/question-id/upvote Upvote a specific question /api/v2/questions/question-id/upvote
PATCH /questions/question-id/downvote Downvote a specific question /api/v2/questions/question-id/downvote
POST /meetups/meetup-id/rsvps Respond to meetup RSVP /api/v2/meetups/meetup-id/rsvps

Endpoints marked with * are only accessible to admin users

How to run the app

  • Clone the repo
  • Activate virtualenv venv and run pip3 install requirements.txt
  • export FLASK_APP=run.py
  • Run python3 -m flask run
  • Use a Rest client to test the endpoints

Running tests

  • Pytest is used as the test client. In the project directory, run: pytest -vv to run the tests, or pytest -cov=/app to see the coverage