
pet shop, web3, vuejs

Primary LanguageVue

Pet Shop

The sample project https://trufflesuite.com/guides/pet-shop/ makes a great job, however, there are still several points could be improved. e.g. small app.js, typescript, etc.

I rewrite the sample for me and others who like to try the development of dapp. This app shows out the following features:

  1. connect to blockchain
  2. maintain a smart contract
  3. interact with smart contract

Note: Please follow the guides of https://trufflesuite.com/guides/pet-shop/ to setup Ganache and MetaMask firstly before you running this project.

Note: It assumes you have the basic knowledge of web app development, and have NodeJS/PNPM/Makefile(optional) installed.

Getting Started

pnpm i # install depends packages
pnpm dev # start the dev server

Please make sure the contract address and the provider are configured property in .env file like below:


ps: replace the url and address with yours.


deploy(migrate actually, but for me, a web app developer, deploy make more sense to understand) contracts.

make deploy_contracts

After deploy contracts, you can get the contract address from src/contract-address.json.

  "networks": {
    "5777": {
      "events": {},
      "links": {},
      "address": "0xaa54911eab841B73c6580631a0bD38FAD79e9b14",
      "transactionHash": "0x665ffe12a03fc8c9318158f25eb81ff7412fec6af8377b5af9c2e14d1aed54a4"

And the console output.

 Deploying 'Adoption'
   > transaction hash:    0x665ffe12a03fc8c9318158f25eb81ff7412fec6af8377b5af9c2e14d1aed54a4
- Blocks: 0            Seconds: 0
   > Blocks: 0            Seconds: 0
   > contract address:    0xaa54911eab841B73c6580631a0bD38FAD79e9b14

Generate Type. Read more on Infer Contract Types from JSON Artifact.

make gen-contract-types

The generated types