
Build Deep Neural Network model in Keras and deploy a REST API to production with Flask on Google App Engine

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Zero to Production

It is not recommended to deploy your production models as shown here. This is just an end-to-end example to get started quickly.

Read the complete guide

This guide shows you how to:

  • build a Deep Neural Network that predicts Airbnb prices in NYC (using scikit-learn and Keras)
  • build a REST API that predicts prices based on the model (using Flask and gunicorn)
  • deploy the model to production on Google App Engine

Quick start


Clone this repository:

git clone git@github.com:curiousily/End-to-End-Machine-Learning-with-Keras.git
cd End-to-End-Machine-Learning-with-Keras

Install libraries:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Start local server

flask run

Make predictions

curl -d '{"neighbourhood_group": "Brooklyn", "latitude": 40.64749, "longitude": -73.97237, "room_type": "Private room", "minimum_nights": 1, "number_of_reviews": 9, "calculated_host_listings_count": 6, "availability_365": 365}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:5000

Deploy to Google App Engine

gcloud app deploy

Read the complete guide