
Primary LanguageMATLAB

This Matlab script is to post process a *.setup.json file generated from mmwave studio with captured bin files.
It generates mat files for raw ADC data and radar cube data.

Before Test
1. Install mmwave studio on Windows
2. Install Matlab 2017a or later on windows
3. Setup radar device and data card with a corner reflector at a reasonable distance.

Execution steps

1. Following mmwave Studio user guide in section "Capturing Raw ADC Data", configure/capture/export JSON files with captured bin files.

2. From Matlab prompt run post processing script, e.g.
   a. Generate raw ADC data and radarCube data only:
       rawDataReader('C:\jsonScript\awr14\awr14xx.setup.json','adcData', 'radarCube', 0)

   b. Debug plot only

       rawDataReader('C:\jsonScript\awr14\awr14xx.setup.json','', '', 1)

   Note: Exported Files from example a can be used for verification script.

3. Run verification code to test the output of generated radar cube data file.


   This script will print out the range profile peak information for verification. 
   Please put a corner reflector before capturing the rad ADC data in step to get a reasonable result.


1. *.setup.json file contains additional files such as *.mmwave.json file and bin files. If files are copied to a new location, please update the path in *.setup.json file properly. 

2. If the raw data file is big, it may take some file to finish generating the mat files.