
Primary LanguageDockerfile


Only install icc,ifort,intel mpi... and remove large static libraray file.


  1. Docker hub :
docker pull wangrzqi/oneapi-pure:latest
  1. Build yourself:
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wangrenz/oneapi-pure/main/Dockerfile
docker build -t oneapi-pure:0.1 .
  1. Run:
docker run -itd oneapi-pure:0.1 bash

If run MPI code, need increase share memory size, as follow command:

docker run -it  --shm-size=50gb  wangrzqi/oneapi-pure bash


root@c8e8a14497a9:~# df -Th
Filesystem              Type     Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
shm                     tmpfs     50G     0   50G   0% /dev/shm


mpirun -np 2 -genv I_MPI_FABRICS=shm ./a.out

Attention: Docker MPI support unfriendly of distributed operating system, it is recommended to use Singularity or Charlie cloud container.

References: https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/documentation/mpi-developer-guide-linux/top/troubleshooting/problem-mpi-limitation-for-docker.html