
FitCloudPro SDK for Android

Primary LanguageHTML


  1. Api add:FcConnector.mediaControlExitSilentMode, When you use [FcBuiltInFeatures.mediaControl], but not use [FcBuiltInFeatures.telephonyControl] or not extent [AbsPhoneStateListener],use this method to set built-in media controller to exit silent mode when you telephony enter idle state.


  1. Api Change: FcDataFeature.requestLatestHealthData move to FcSettingsFeature.requestLatestHealthData
  2. Add Cricket Match feature


  1. Api Change: FcFunctionConfig.STRENGTHEN_TEST rename to FcFunctionConfig.ENHANCED_MEASUREMENT
  2. Api Change: FcFunctionConfig.HOUR_STYLE rename to FcFunctionConfig.TIME_FORMAT
  3. Api Change: FcFunctionConfig.WEATHER_SWITCH rename to FcFunctionConfig.WEATHER_DISPLAY
  4. Api Change: FcFunctionConfig.EXERCISE_TARGET rename to FcFunctionConfig.EXERCISE_GOAL_DISPLAY
  5. Api Change: FcBloodPressureConfig.isPrivateMode rename to FcBloodPressureConfig.isEnabled
  6. Api Change: FcSpecialFeature.requestLanguage move to FcSettingsFeature.requestLanguage
  7. Api Change: FcSpecialFeature.requestExerciseGoal move to FcSettingsFeature.requestExerciseGoal


  1. Fix the bug of FcDfuManager reconnect causing DFU failure when DFU is not completed
  2. Fix the bug in some mobile phone Chinese simplified and traditional judgment errors
  3. Optimize volume adjustment during calls


First version