
This repository contains a sample script to learn CCA/KCCA projected DA word embeddings as described in our paper "Domain Adapted Word Embeddings for Improved Sentiment Analysis". Note the our KCCA module was based on Pyrcca. Please make sure to cite our paper [1] and Pyrcca[2] when using this code.

Citations [1]Sarma, Prathusha K., YIngyu Liang, and William A. Sethares. "Domain Adapted Word Embeddings for Improved Sentiment Classification." arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.04576 (2018). [2]Bilenko, Natalia Y., and Jack L. Gallant. "Pyrcca: regularized kernel canonical correlation analysis in python and its applications to neuroimaging." Frontiers in neuroinformatics 10 (2016): 49.