
Ansible role to install docker containers from any given image.

MIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Ansible Galaxy

Ansible role to manage and run a docker container from any given image.


This role has only been tested on Ubuntu 14.04. Since this uses Ansible's docker module, you will need to ensure that a recent-ish version of docker-py and docker are installed.


Install this module from Ansible Galaxy into the './roles' directory:

ansible-galaxy install wangsha.docker-generic-image -p ./roles

Use it in a playbook as follows, assuming you already have docker setup:

- hosts: 'servers'
    - role: angstwad.docker_ubuntu
      become: true
    - role: wangsha.docker-generic-image
      become: true
      docker_container_name: hello-world
      docker_container_image: hello-world

Have a look at the defaults/main.yml for role variables that can be overridden.

If you need a playbook to set Docker itself, have a look at angstwad.docker_ubuntu Galaxy role.

Custom volume mappings

Docker allows mounting a host directory or a host file as data volume. This role mounts host directories to persist container data and host files to configure container behavior. docker_generic-image_directory_volumes and docker_generic-image_file_volumes are the two variables to control volume mappings. If you wish to customize the mapping, please follow <host directory>:<container directory>:<mapping mode> format to ensure host directories are correctly created before launching containers.

To customize host file mappings, update docker_generic-image_file_volumes. This role will automatically create file parent directories and copy the template to host machine. The naming convention for template is <host_file_name>.<host_file_extension>.j2. To copy template from your own ansible diretories, set docker_generic-image_template_path.

Example Config:

  - '/opt/myapp/conf/settings.conf:/etc/myapp/conf/settings.conf:ro'
docker_container_template_path: /path/to/ansible/project/templates/
# make sure file /path/to/ansible/project/templates/settings.conf.j2 exists. 

Additional References



Author Information

  • wangsha