
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

PrUE: Distilling Knowledge from Sparse Teacher Networks

This repo contains the official implementations of PrUE: Distilling Knowledge from Sparse Teacher Networks.


All code runs on PyTorch 1.10.2. Our code uses the pruning feature provided by PyTorch, so make sure that pytorch version is 1.6 or higher. We also use pytorch-lightning 1.6.0, please install it as follow:

pip install pytorch-lightning


  1. All training hyperparameters are stored in utils.py and will be automatic loaded. If you want to apply your own hyperparameters, please refer to the experiment_setting() function.
  2. To get a sparse teacher, you need to run lightning_main.py twice:
python lightning_main.py --data /pathtodata
python lightning_main.py --data /pathtodata --pruner prue

First pre-training dense model, second fine-tuning sparse model. Next, run lightning_distill.py to perform distillation.

python lightning_distill.py

Apply PrUE to Your Own Code

Note that PrUE essentially consists of two parts: 1. the mask generation function in pruner.py; and 2. the dataset sorting in utils.py. Therefore, if you wish to integrate PrUE into your own code, we recommend that you paste the model_prune() function from utils.py. Since our code is not model-dependent, you are free to replace the files in models/ with your own modules. Then, make sure that the dataset is sorted by labels, we recommend referring to the get_cifar_prune_loader function in data.py.


If you find our code useful for your research, please cite our paper as follow:

  title={PrUE: Distilling Knowledge from Sparse Teacher Networks},
  author={Wang, Shaopu and Chen, Xiaojun and Kou, Mengzhen and Shi, Jinqiao},
  booktitle={Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases},