Primary LanguagePython

Multi-domain Multi-task Rehearsal for Lifelong Learning (AAAI-2021)

Fan Lyu, Shuai Wang, Wei Feng, Zihan Ye, Fuyuan Hu, Song Wang


Rehearsal, seeking to remind the model by storing old knowledge in lifelong learning, is one of the most effective ways to mitigate catastrophic forgetting, i.e., biased forgetting of previous knowledge when moving to new tasks. However, the old tasks of the most previous rehearsal-based methods suffer from the unpredictable domain shift when training the new task. This is because these methods always ignore two significant factors. First, the Data Imbalance between the new task and old tasks that makes the domain of old tasks prone to shift. Second, the Task Isolation among all tasks will make the domain shift toward unpredictable directions; To address the unpredictable domain shift, in this paper, we propose MultiDomain Multi-Task (MDMT) rehearsal to train the old tasks and new task parallelly and equally to break the isolation among tasks. Specifically, a two-level angular margin loss is proposed to encourage the intra-class/task compactness and inter-class/task discrepancy, which keeps the model from domain chaos. In addition, to further address domain shift of the old tasks, we propose an optional episodic distillation loss on the memory to an chor the knowledge for each old task.Experiments on benchmark datasets validate the proposed approach can effectively mitigate the unpredictable domain shift.


TensorFlow >= v1.9.0. The code is based on https://github.com/facebookresearch/agem.


To replicate the results of the paper on a particular dataset, execute (see the Note below for downloading the CUB and AWA datasets):

$ ./replicate_results.sh <DATASET> <THREAD-ID> 

Example runs are:

$ ./replicate_results.sh MNIST 6     /* Train MDMT-R on MNIST */

$ ./replicate_results.sh CIFAR 5     /* Train MDMT-R on CIFAR */

$ ./replicate_results.sh CUB 5 0   /* Train MDMT-R on CUB */

$ ./replicate_results.sh AWA 9 0    /* Train MDMT-R on AWA */


For CUB and AWA experiments, download the dataset prior to running the above script. Run following for downloading the datasets:

$ ./download_cub_awa.sh

The plotting code is provided under the folder plotting_code/. Update the paths in the plotting code accordingly.