
C++ implementations of the 2-Opt heuristic for the Euclidean traveling salesman problem.

Primary LanguageC

This repository contains C++ implementations of the 2-Opt heuristic for the symmetric traveling salesman problem (TSP).


This repository includes several implementation variants:

  1. simple: 2- and 3-opt (soon to be k-opt) using c++11 or later.
  2. gpu: a CUDA GPU version.
  3. quadtree: an experimental algorithm utilizing a quadtree in a similar way to the Barnes-Hut algorithm for n-body problems, but tailored to segments. This implementation is an order of magnitude faster than the distance_table implementation (the algorithmic state of the art) on usa13509.tsp, and even on my desktop CPU is competitive with Martin Burtscher's GPU implementation peak!
  4. oldstyle/naive: recompute all distances every iteration.
  5. oldstyle/distance_table: store all possible distances in a table, and use this when performing the 2-Opt checks. On my machine on usa13509.tsp, this runs about 4x faster than the naive version.

Quadtree performance on my machine:

  1. usa13509_morton.tsp: ~25x (parallel) faster than distance_table (serial).
  2. d18512_morton.tsp: ~108x (parallel) faster than distance_table (serial).
  3. pla33810_morton.tsp: ~544x (parallel) faster than naive (serial). Naive was used because distance_table became unresponsive due to memory limits.
  4. pla85900_morton.tsp: ~1448x (parallel) faster than naive (serial). Naive was used because distance_table became unresponsive due to memory limits.
  5. To my surprise, I was able to run the 'world' TSP tour (http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/tsp/world/index.html) at a mere 2 seconds per best-improvement step on my desktop machine. This is astronomically faster than the standard best-improvement algorithm (it would take too long for me to care to test). It runs 15x faster on my desktop CPU than Martin Burtscher's GPU Kepler K40 implementation at its peak (which requires many simultaneous independent instances).

The quadtree implementation's sub-quadratic complexity is clearly evident.

Desired Improvements

  1. [new] k-opt; perform swaps and checks given a simple vector.
  2. [quadtree] More filter quantities (to reduce tree traversal).
  3. [quadtree] More tree updates of filter quantities.

Running the Programs

Compilation can be done by simply running 'make' in the main source directory for each version. The executable then takes in the filename of the tsp problem in the TSPLIB format. See: http://comopt.ifi.uni-heidelberg.de/software/TSPLIB95/