Workshop: Building End-To-End Application using AWS Amplify and React

In this workshop you'll learn how to create a simple yet powerful full-stack web application using AWS Amplify, a comprehensive suite of tools and services that includes web hosting capabilities. Through this hands-on workshop, you will be guided step-by-step in building a functional web application that integrates authentication, a backend with APIs and a database, seamless frontend-backend connectivity, and ultimately, hosting the application.

During the workshop, you will leverage the following AWS Services and Tech Stack to construct your solution:

AWS Services:

  • AWS Amplify: Streamlines the development process by providing a range of tools and services.
  • Amazon Cognito: Enables easy and secure user authentication and management.
  • AWS AppySync: Simplifies building and deploying GraphQL APIs.
  • Amazon DynamoDB: Offers a scalable and flexible NoSQL database service.
  • Amazon S3: Provides secure object storage for various types of data.
  • Amazon CloudFront: Facilitates content delivery through a global content delivery network (CDN).

Tech Stack:

  • React: A popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • HTML 5: The latest version of Hypertext Markup Language.
  • CSS3: The latest version of Cascading Style Sheets.
  • JSX: A syntax extension for JavaScript, often used with React.
  • JavaScript: The programming language of the web.
  • GraphQL: A query language for APIs that allows for efficient data fetching.
  • Bootstrap: A front-end framework for designing responsive and visually appealing web applications

Key Application Features:

  • Sign-Up: Users can register and create accounts securely.
  • Sign-In: Secure authentication mechanism for users to access the application.
  • View Q&A: Users can browse through a list of questions and corresponding answers.
  • Add Q&A: Users can contribute by submitting new questions and answers.
  • Delete Q&A: The ability to remove unwanted questions and answers.
  • Search Q&A: Users can easily search for specific questions within the existing collection.

By participating in this workshop, you will gain practical experience in building a functional full-stack web application using AWS Amplify and a variety of associated services. Whether you are new to web development or looking to enhance your skills, this workshop offers a valuable opportunity to expand your knowledge and capabilities in the realm of modern web application development. Don't miss out on the chance to learn and create with us!

Output: The below screenshot shows the FAQs Application. Amplify FAQs

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